Title: Takumi Gets Rejected #14 Genre: Humor Pairing: Takumi/Gackt (one-sided) Characters: Takumi, Val Rating: PG Summary: In which Takumi, again, should have known better Notes: Takumi needs a Christmas miracle by this point
Why would he even think of asking Hyde? Is he trying to torture himself? This poor boy. You really should to take pity on him, and put him out of his misery. although it's a lot of fun to read :p
it means i'm not alone in the tiny snippet department anymore ^.~ the challenge comes and my muses pack their bags & head for warmer weather on vacation...
Well, Gackt did talk about wanting to kiss Hyde but not getting to, so Takumi's thinking was valid? I think Takumi has just a bit more misery to go through, but maybe he's getting closer???
And no, have your muses come back~ Or they can stay in the warmer weather, that's fine, that's where your snippets can take places anyway XD I wanna read more~
Comments 2
This poor boy. You really should to take pity on him, and put him out of his misery. although it's a lot of fun to read :p
it means i'm not alone in the tiny snippet department anymore ^.~ the challenge comes and my muses pack their bags & head for warmer weather on vacation...
I think Takumi has just a bit more misery to go through, but maybe he's getting closer???
And no, have your muses come back~ Or they can stay in the warmer weather, that's fine, that's where your snippets can take places anyway XD I wanna read more~
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