Title: Takumi Gets Rejected #11
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Takumi/Gackt (one-sided)
Characters: Takumi, Chacha
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Takumi should have known better
Notes: Really, Takumi, you were there…
“Remember my presentation at his 42nd birthday?”
It took a moment for Takumi to search his memory and then he sighed, shoulders slumped. “Ahh, right….” They had all had to prepare presentations that year explaining to Gackt why he should include them in the band lineup for the following tour. Chacha’s had included a photo of him kissing Gackt onstage during one of the earlier tours. “That one wasn’t the first time, was it?”
“To be honest, I’ve lost track.”
Takumi could only wish to be plagued with that kind of problem.
AN: Is there any band member Gackt hasn’t planted his lips on? Who will Takumi ask next? Am I running out of ideas already? I don’t know!