Title: Why We Don't Selfie
Genre: Humor/Fluff
Pairing: Gackt/You
Rating: PG
Summary: Gackt and You post a lot of selfies, but never together...
Notes: Seriously, there is a severe shortage of G/Y selfies, wtf... Inspired by all the photos from their music program recording last night.
“How come you and Gaku don’t take photos together?” Val asked the tall guitarist beside him.
You and Sato were sitting on the dressing room couch together, having finished looking through the myriad of photos their group had just taken and deciding which ones would be the best to post online.
“I mean, both of you take photos with everyone else but you guys never seem to take photos together. Aren’t you supposed to be best friends? What’s up with that?”
In the corner of the room, Chacha laughed dryly but did not contribute to the conversation, even when Val shot him an inquisitive look.
“I’ll show you,” You answered and stood up. “Gaku, come here.”
The singer had been talking to Takumi, but broke away from the sound producer the moment You called out his name. “What?”
“Let’s take a picture together.” You held up his phone to signal to the singer what he wanted. “It’s been a while.”
“Sure!” Gackt replied and strode over to You, who turned toward the nearest light source in order to get a better shot.
Val watched as their vocalist joined their rhythm guitarist. But instead of how Gackt normally draped an arm over someone’s shoulder or held up a rock-an-roll sign, Gackt slid his arm around You’s waist as if it were the most natural thing in the world. You didn’t even blink, holding up his phone to frame the two of them in the shot. For a moment, Val thought Gackt was going to make duck lips at the camera, but in the quarter-second before the photo was snapped, Gackt tugged his guitarist even closer and planted those duck lips firmly against the corner of You’s mouth. The camera captured the half-kiss perfectly.
“Don’t post that,” Gackt instructed, smiling, before releasing his friend and walking away to return to his conversation with Takumi.
Val just stared. “So... that happens every time?”
You nodded in response, pocketing his phone.
“You’re lucky he stopped there today,” Chacha muttered flatly from the corner, drawing out a short laugh and blush from their rhythm guitarist. "Should have seen some of the ones we had to delete back during the YFC days..."