challenge: december 2014

Dec 22, 2014 11:19

Day 18-
Title: A New Lease on Life
Author: shyone
Genre: general
Pairing: none
Rating: g
Summary: Chacha finds a stray kitten

A New Lease on Life

It was a cool, rainy July day, and Chacha was glad he’d grabbed his jacket as he left for work. Along the way he watched in horror when he saw a kitten fall from a terrace wall and rushed to help, taking off his jacket as he knelt down. The kitten’s leg was sticking out at an odd angle.

The little ball of striped gray fluff cried piteously when Chacha picked him up and wrapped him in the jacket. He pulled his phone from his pocket and called the vet. “Ryu, I know you’re not open yet, but I’ve got a kitten who just fell off a 7-foot wall. .... Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Ryu sat at his desk across from Chacha, both sipping cups of coffee. “Well, I’ve set his leg and casted it. I’ll keep him here to make sure there are no other problems and you can pick him up on your way home.”

“But he’s not mine.”

Ryu finished his cup of coffee, set it on the desk, and leaned back in his chair, crossing his ankle over his knee. “Well, he is now. He’s not feral, but he doesn’t look like he’s had a real home for some time. He’s got a nick out of one ear, scars and healing bite marks on his back. I’d say he’s about six months old. If you don’t take him he’ll go wild and probably end up getting killed on the street.” Ryu painted a worst-case scenario, hoping to get Chacha to take in the kitten and give them both a new start in life. Chacha had been alone for too long.

!snippet, ~author: shyone05, #genre: friendship, rating: g, pairing: none, !series, *character: ryu, #genre: general, *character: chachamaru

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