Title: My love of yesterday isn't my love today
sidneyfireblood Summary: The past should remain in the past, right?
Characters: Gackt, Yoshiki, Miyavi, Kami, hide
Parings: Gackt/Kami (past); Yoshi/hide (past); Miyavi/Melody (past); Gackt/Miyavi/Yoshiki (today); Kami/hide
Notes: For
love_teddies a request she made on my private journal. If you would like a fic from me, just go their and request one. I still have a few spaces left. Oh and if I mispelled anyones name, I'm sorry.
“Lovelie, we no wake,” said 2 year old Jewelie as she walked behind her 4 year old sister.
“Nee-chan, no worry,” Lovelie said as she carried the tray.
“Tou-chan, papa and jii-chan sleep,” Jewelie replied.
Lovelie turned around, “Is noon. They’s need to be up, now. So, shh!”
Jewelie rolled her eyes as they walked into the bedroom. Once they where there, Lovelie got up on the bed as her sister held the tray. She then started to poke her father, Miyavi.
“Tou-chan?” she whispered.
“Hmm?” replied Miyavi, still asleep.
“You awake?”
Miyavi rolled over, his multi-colored hair all over his face, “Lovelie….what do you need?”
“You to wake up. Is Saturday,” she smiled.
“And Saturdays are days tou-chan, papa and jii-chan sleep in.”
“Tou-chan, we’s go home tomorrow. We’s want times with you, papa and jii-chan.”
Miyavi couldn’t help but smile. Every since he and Melody devoiced, it was hard for him to spend time with his two daughters with both Miyavi and Melody being professional singers and Melody moving back to Hawaii, it was hard.
“You’re right sweetie,” he replied as he sat up. He then looked at Gackt, who was laying to his right, “Oi, you going to get up?”
“I’m already up,” he said as he opened his eyes and smiled at Miyavi. He then looked at Lovelie, “How’s papa’s little girl?”
“Wanting to spend time with papa,” she smiled.
“Where’s your sister?” he asked as he sat up.
“Down there,” she replied as she pointed to the tray that had human legs.
“Jewelie, sweetie, put the tray down and climb up here,” said Miyavi.
“K,” she said as she did what she was told. However she had a hard time climbing up the bed, “Help!”
Yoshiki woke up and smiled, he then reached his hand out of the bed and she grabbed onto it, and he lifted her up.
“Hi jii-chan,” she smiled.
“Hello Jewelie-chan,” he smiled as he kissed her.
“We play?” she grinned.
“After I have some coffee,” he smiled.
She pointed to the tray, “Is there.”
He looked at the tray and smiled, “Who helped you fix up such a lovely tray?”
“Kami-chan and hide-chan,” replied both girls.
All three men looked at each other, then the girls, “What did Kami-chan and hide-chan look like?” asked Yoshiki.
“hide-chan has pink hair and Kami-chan has purple-brown hair,” replied Lovelie.
Yoshiki looked at Gackt and they slowly got out of bed and walked to the kitchen and saw the two men standing in there cooking and saw their candles light.
“hide?” asked Yoshiki.
“Kami?” questioned Gackt.
The two men turned around and smiled, “Hey,” they both replied.
Miyavi, who had a hold of the girls’ hands, walked in at that moment, “Um, guys, what’s going on?”
Yoshiki turned around, “Do you see two men in the kitchen?”
Miyavi nodded, “Yeah, kinda hard not to.”
Yoshiki turned back around, “Why are you two here?”
“It’s the holidays and we got bored, so we thought we would show you some lovin’,” hide smiled.
“Cute kids. Who’s guilty?” Kami asked.
“They belong to Mi-chan and his ex-wife,” Gackt replied, looking upset.
Kami walked over to him, “What’s with the look Gacchan?”
“I…I just miss you,” he said as he tried not to cry.
“Hey, it’s okay, I miss you too, but you can move on…and you did pretty well for yourself. Two lovers, not to bad,” Kami smiled.
hide also walked over to Yoshiki, “Kid’s got more than tattoo’s than me,” he smiled, “But I have to say, not to bad.”
Yoshiki smiled, “He’s a lot like you in more ways than one.”
Gackt smiled at Kami, “So, you aren’t upset?”
“Gacchan, you have the right to live,” replied Kami.
“I know…it’s just this is hard.”
Yoshiki spoke up, “I feel the same about hide, but I knew he wanted me to move on. I’ll always love him, but I do love the two of you and I love the girls.”
Gackt smiled, “I guess you’re right,” he then looked at Kami, “Will you still look after me?”
Kami smiled, “Who do you think made your breakfast?”
“Okay, I get it,” Gackt smiled.
Then, all of the sudden, “Kami-chan, I’m hungry,” said hide.
Kami rolled his eyes at hide, “Babe, I am trying to have a conversion.”
“Babe?” said Gackt and Yoshiki.
Both Kami and hide blushed, “Well, it gets lonely up there and well…” said Kami.
Gackt smiled, “It’s alright. I am starting to understand.”
Kami hugged Gackt, “It’s about time.”
hide did the same with Yoshiki, “You look like you did well.”
Gackt held onto Kami, “Thank you.”
Yoshiki kissed hide, “Wait for me?”
hide nodded, “Always.”
And with that, they candle’s blew out.
They turned to Miyavi and smiled before going to him and wrapping their arms around him.
Gackt was the first to speak up, “I love you Mi-chan.”
Then Yoshiki spoke up, “I love you too, Mi-chan.”
Miyavi smiled, “It’s about time you two said it. I was getting tired of saying it and not hearing it in return.”
Just then the girls pulled on Gackt and Yoshiki’s pants legs and they looked down at the girls, “Yes?” they replied in unison.
Lovelie spoke up, “Love us too?”
Both men smiled as they picked them up and hugged them, “Always.”
The girls then kissed them, “Yay!”
Miyavi then kissed both of his daughters, then his lovers, “I love all of you too.”
The End