Mar 28, 2005 20:51
I was suppose to come to school today at 9:30, but yesterday a girl from my class called me to say that we all need to come to the morning prayer because our principal want to talk with us.
In the prayer i felt something worng. Alot of teachers that won't suppose to be in the morning came, and i could just feel that what ever he wants to tell us, isn't good.
I was right. He came from the hospital to talk with us. He has cancer...and just looking at him standing there, weak, thin and pale was enough to make us all start crying...
You can't imagine how is it to see a person that you look up to, someone that always was the strong one, someone that like a father, a friend and a guiadence to you looking so just leave you broken...just looking at his daughter and my crying friends, listen to his chocking voice, made me cry so hard.
As the older in school, we know that we need to take some responsibility on ourself. He would have wanted us to do that. And that's what we're going to do. It will make him happy...
You can't understand this kind of bond. Some of us know him since the school started, and some knows him for less years. But we all love him.
Alot of us saw him as something other then a principal, and our time with him in Poland was great. He also was our teacher this year, when our own teacher was in a birth break.
I feel so drain...all the tears that i cried today drain me completely. I feel so tired...
But we all need to be strong now. To carry on for him and hope for the best.
There is nothing left to do but pray. Pray for him and his family.
I don't feel like talking today, so i won't be online. I just want to be with myself...Just writing this took my last bit of energy. I'm so tired...