Nov 11, 2009 21:09
I can't fucking stand my sister. I was making a scarf for her friend, and I thought I could have it done by tomorrow, but I have other shit to do, and I've been sick, and I didn't want to get her friend sick (i.e. coughing on my hands, and then using my hands to make a scarf). She claims that she never sees me doing anything but sit on my computer. My Algebra book is online, my Aural Skills for music theory is online, I have other shit that I do online, and what she sees is the dramas that I watch because that's when I relax from all the shit of my day. Like her. She fucking starts yelling at me because I can't have it done by tomorrow because I have to be at the school at 6:50 AM to go to Yankton, which is about 2 hours from here. Then I have about 7 hours of rehearsal for orchestra and a concert, and I don't get home until about 10 PM. So I have practice for orchestra, homework, school, and work. She starts yelling at me because I told her that I have other things to do, and she never sees me do anything. I told her that she doesn't do anything either because when I see her, she's either on the computer, doing her hair, taking a shower, or taking a nap. And the shit she does on the computer isn't school work. It's facebook. She plays bejeweled for fucking hours. Either that, or she isn't home. She's at work, with her boyfriend, or at school. And she doesn't do anything around the house.
So today, she decided she'd start a fight with me over it. She yelled about |----| this far from my face, spitting on me, and I pulled my leg up and shoved her away and she fucking came back and started hitting me. She fucking knocked my glasses off my face, ripped my bra, and bent my earring, and made me lose the back of it. I'm so sick of her shit. I can't ever get a word in with her. It's a good thing she fucking left because I would've killed her.
I want out. Either that, or she needs to get out.