Sneak. Sneak. Sneak.

Aug 10, 2005 00:52

Hehehehehe>> Starr doesn't know I'm doing this. Surprise!  Let the first official wave of theme posts begin!

So, to celebrate the fact that I'm on vacation for the next week and am happy as hell about it, I'd like for you all to find pictures of Gackt in glasses.  =^^= A glasses post will be selected at random and I'm going to give out a little Gackt goody to the winner-whoever that turns out to be. How will I decide that? Easy. The old fashioned way. I'm going to write down everyone's user name, stick it in a box, and pull out one slip of paper. Bingo! Winner!  Everyone has a fair shot.

 Mm. Tasty soldier Gackt.

I'm really sorry that some of the posting guidelines have been upsetting some folks out there.  They were set up that way to try to keep everything neat and organized. They're very simple, so please let's all just try to stick to them [it's not that hard, really ^_^] and remember--HAVE FUN. We're here to find and hopefully, share pictures that maybe not too many people have seen.

On to the contest! Now, not to sound like a control hungry, insane moderator-God forbid- but here are the rules:

1.Reading glasses are prefered, but sunglasses are ok too.

2. One picture per member. No multi-entries or seven pics per post. Got to be fair to everyone trying. It's no fun if someone snags all the pics and posts 50 photos in one shot. o_O  If there are accidental dual posts, I'll take that into account and figure out what to do and maybe change the prize[s].

3. Stick some kind of title in the subject line so I know it's a theme post if it's under a cut. All posts w/ glasses will be treated as entries.

4. You have until 6:00 pm Sunday August 14, 2005--that's TOKYO TIME by the way-- to get your post in.

There's nothing sexier than a beautiful Japanese man in glasses.  That's it. Have fun. Go forth and Google!!
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