answers to questions and some pretty gackt

Aug 08, 2005 08:01

I hope you all are doing great! I'm gonna start out my post with a some answers to a few questions that some people had for me. It's easier to just answer them publicly in case some of you were wondering about the same things. ;)


A few people wanted to know what it was, so they could make sure they didn't do it on accident. Hot linking is when you steal someone's bandwith by posting their image links on your own journal. The way to not do this follows: When you see a picture you like posted here, just save it to your own computer. Then you have to go to your own photobucket account or other image host and upload it yourself. Do not be lazy and just use a member's links. You wouldn't want your photobucket account not working due to exceeded bandwith. Just don't do it and everyone can be happy.

Crediting photos:

This is another frequent question. You don't have to tell where you found pictures. Nobody can get an attitude about using pictures from their website. The only person with claims to a picture, is the person who actually has the photo copyrighted, which is either the photgrapher, or the magazine that actually bought rights to it. These people who make statements like, "don't take my images" or "you better comment if you take" have no ground to stand on, unless they actually shot the picture themselves. So don't freak out and worry about it. Anyone can google pictures and stick them on their website, so you can google and stick them here. Of course you can credit a website if you want to. It's your choice.

Commenting if you take photos on here:

Ok, this is a new one I've gotten quite a few emails about. You don't have to comment on someone's post when you take a picture. You do have to if you take someone's icon, colorbar or other graphics. People took time to make these, and it's polite to comment when you take. It's required actually. It is ok to take "untouched" photos here, because this is a picture community and it is just understood that people are going to take your images. There are a lot of people who just take pictures and never post, and the maintainers and I are in the process of making this community friends only, so hopefully some of that will decrease. To get back to the point, you don't have to comment if you take photos, but can if you like.

I am going to post this on the user info page, and please read the posting basics, guys! Most of the stuff I have to remind people of, are listed on there, and it would make our jobs ( the mods) a whole lot easier if you all would just check it out.

I hope more people will post soon. Thanks to those of you who have been. Your pictures are fanatastic! I love finding so much gackt love on my friend's page!

And now on to the man...

I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the pictures!

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