MOD POST Community Rules and new layout.

Jan 02, 2006 22:03

I have updated the User Info on this community. Apparently some of you don't bother to read it when you join a community. It's there for a reason. I have posted it under the cut, to make it easier for you, in case going to the actual community profile is too much for you to handle.

From now on, ALL posts that don't follow the community rules WILL BE DELETED. No exceptions, No warnings. I'm tired of having to remind people of the rules...seriously. So don't be surprised if your post is gone, and don't come to one of the mods with an attitude. That will only result in you getting banned. The rules are simple, and if they bother you...leave.

And no more of the "just to make this post legal" cut tags. It's not as cute as you think it is. This isn't a request community. Post pictures for us to enjoy. Don't just throw one up there so you can post icons, or request a clip. When you say the "to make it legal" crap, it is rude. So, posts that say that are deleted too. (posts with one picture are perfectly fine, just not that moronic cut tag)

The next steps I'm gonna take is ban all other things except pictures, or make all entries Moderated. I don't want to do this. I enjoy seeing all of your icons, and wallpapers. And I enjoy all of the clips you guys upload. I want to keep this community unmoderated, but I'm almost to the point of doing it.

Please let's keep this community a great place. If everyone will just go by the guidelines things will be fine. I know I always come off sounding like the bitch mod, but it's just gotten to that point. I hate having to sound like a nag, so please just follow the rules.

I love you guys, and thanks to those of you who are so encouraging and thoughtful. You make it worthwhile.

In, more pleasant news, theshiz has made our new layout. I love it so much! And I appreciate her taking the time to do it. *humps lisa* It's so shiny!! *__*

and no snide comments about this post not having a picture.... I am not in the mood. Bitch Mod post- anything goes. XP
on to the user info:
This is a community dedicated to Gackt. It is a picture community. EVERY post must contain a picture.

Post must contain ONE UNEDITED PHOTO. that means not PS'd, not an icon, colorbar etc. ONE UNRETOUCHED PHOTO

no matter how many times I say this, people still try to bitch at me when I remind them of it. Not cool, and not tolerated. That's the rule, so deal. The rules are not up for discussion, don't like the way i have my community, don't join.

Any and All posts that break rules listed below will be deleted immediately. NO WARNINGS, NO EXCEPTIONS. I'm tired of having to say the same things over and over again. READ the rules, and there won't be any problem.


-EVERY post must contain a picture, even your introduction post.

-The picture can be of Gackt and other people like members of gacktjob or Hyde (<3) but it has to have Gackt in it. No exceptions.

-Posts may not contain links to picture(s)(This means no links to different picture galleries, your journal, etc.). Thumnails are acceptable.

-If posting more than one picture, please use the LJ cut feature.

-If posting a picture outside of the LJ cut, please make sure it isn't too big, be dial-up friendly.

-No Hotlinking whatsoever. Found doing this, you are banned.

-If you want to post news or other things related to Gackt, you still have to post with a picture. It is a picture community, I think you get the point...

-It is ok if you post pictures that have already been posted. There is no way everyone could keep up with all of the pictures on here, and besides you can never get enough of a good thing.

-Crediting websites: You don't have to tell where you found pictures. Nobody can get an attitude about using pictures from their website. The only person with claims to a picture, is the person who actually has the photo copyrighted, which is either the photgrapher, or the magazine that actually bought rights to it. These people who make statements like, "don't take my images" or "you better comment if you take" have no ground to stand on, unless they actually shot the picture themselves. So don't freak out and worry about it. Anyone can google pictures and stick them on their website, so you can google and stick them here. Of course you can credit a website if you want to. It's your choice.

-Commenting: You don't have to comment on someone's post when you take a picture. You do have to if you take someone's icon, colorbar or other graphics. People took time to make these, and it's polite to comment when you take. It's required actually. It is ok to take "untouched" photos here, because this is a picture community and it is just understood that people are going to take your images.

-If posts don't follow the guidelines, the maintainers will delete the post/posts.
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