This box set is amazing.
The Songs
The recordings we get on CD's are wonderful and such...but I love my Gackt live. The songs on the Nine*Nine box set are extremely clear and you can actually hear some nuances that you wouldn't be able to really catch when watching the concerts. These songs are so much better, more alive, more can quite literally feel the fire licking at your senses from the emotions Gackt emits from his lives.
I can truly believe the heartbreak, the happiness, the hope that Gackt is singing about. I can believe it and feel it with him.
Note: I also tried comparing his singing style and quality from Mars-era with Drug Party-era...and I have to say that they are damn close to the same. His style is a little more relaxed...and has mellowed out a bit and matured since his Mars days. I'll admit, it seems that he could reach those high notes with more relative ease then, but as we all know...he can still sing that falsetto no problem, ne? (^_^) There is more strength to his voice and tone now, in my opinion.
The Actual Song Cases and Box
All of the cds are in DVD cases with Gackt's red silhouette on the front cover. The pictures correspond with his concerts. There are 2 discs for each of the concerts, except for Mars. Inside, there is a facsimile of the tour guide/pamphlets. The material they use for those are really high quality, albeit they are pretty small. I love the texture they used for all of them.
I haven't watched all of the videos yet in the DVD. But from what I have seen, Gackt looks uber-relaxed and he's pretty talkative. Too bad we don't have subtitles! The song Justified is the last on the DVD and there is no PV for it. But, the song is kickass and is, of course, high quality (is anything about Gackt not high quality? (^_^) ) He just has images of him speaking with another person in his studio while the song is playing.