Nov 15, 2011 05:23
Yesterday's weight: 241.4
Today's weight: 241.2
Even though I was 239.6 on Friday, well I wasn't under 240 for my birthday yesterday. I guess going to the restaurant on getting a few drink wasn't a good move. My Hun had made a big breakfast in the morning too on that day, so with all the salt ingested and everything, I guess my body just couldn't do it. Oh well...
Now that I've seen the scale dip under 240 again, I want to go straight down there. I'd like to be under 235 for the New Year. That's doable, right? Yeah, that's 6 weeks for 7 pounds. I just gotta do it right this time.
Wish me .. Not luck, but willpower.
weigh in,
short term goal