my night with matzbabe!!!!

Feb 06, 2005 10:54

ok so friday night was lame because i was home alone with no plans-natalie was sick and we were supposed to have an awesome night but w/e-so i watched my camp video twice and then watched little black book which was cute-then yesterday i made a smoothie and it shot up in my face!!! lol it was soo funny-then mattie and i decided to go see a movie and we went to go see are we there yet and it was really funny. But before we went in-we were getting tickets and there was this old couple and the lady was like 2 tickets to aviator and the dude was like theres only one left for the movie and she was like no we need 2 and he was like no theres only one left and she was like ok we'll take those and like walked out lol it was soo funnny!! then when we were getting food there was a couple behind us and the guy was like ok next and they were like no we're looking at what we want and he was like no i need to help someone, i dnt wait around and they were like well ur gonna have to wait and they got in a fight when we went into the theater we were surrounded by kids and these scary black guys with g-unit shirts then afterwards we were waiting for my mom to get us inside and we wanted sushi so we ordered it from my cell and the lady couldn't get my street name right she was like coppalars lane and i was like nooooo!! and the lady who works in the theater was like staring at me..then we saw andy and erik and andy waved to us and then they like left..then these dudes came in and one was like yah i'm pimpin because i am going to see the aviator and mattie was like yeah ur soo pimpin and my mom came and we ran into the car and the guys were staring at us and we were laughing soo hardd!! then my mom asked how much the sushi was and i forgot to ask and so she called and the lady didnt understand her and my mom was literally SCREAMING into the phone and mattie and i were practically crying we were laughing sooo hard..! then we were waiting for the sushi and the guy pressed the wrong button for the gate and he was like cursing in korean and we were watching him from my camera then we went on matties friend from floridas sn named blayke and we like made his aim and aol profile and it was sooooo funny and i took pics and put them on his profyle and it was soo funny and we changed his icon to a sun and his backround lime greeen and made his sound soak up the sun lol omg mattie ur soo funny i love u!! comments pleaseeee

xoxo gaby
natalie p.r. soo soon
mattie i love u, u are my lifee
cassie levine missing u like no other (as hannah would say)lol
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