Nov 16, 2014 15:59


The concept of raiding, usually referred to commercial real estate. However, raiding is not less significant distribution in respect of residential property. Buying a flat share in this type of business primarily engaged in "black estate" and former lawyers. These persons have a very good understanding of the pricing of real estate market, to be a psychologist familiar with the criminal and civil laws. Friendly relations with the government security forces are a major plus. So, what is it, raider seizure bought the apartment through the share in it. Imagine that the dwelling has several owners (this is possible, as a rule, in obtaining an apartment by inheritance or privatization). The share of one owner is insignificant, or significant, but due to a small area of the dwelling to use this share by application owner is physically unable to. To get anything from such property, he is ready to sell it for nothing. This apartment and enjoy the raiders. Buying, for example, half the price of the share of one-room apartment, they begin to create for other tenants to move in unbearable conditions, ie inhabit themselves. Importantly, all in line with current legislation. Victim not able to actually enjoy their share of real estate, is living in her previous individual or family. Only one way out - to somehow leave. What do the focus and the raiders of real estate.
Raiders refuse to turn the machinations with people of strong character who have at least some connection, and a little wealthier - to force these owners to sell an apartment, and even move into it, or someone sat down, in practice it is rather difficult for a raider. Raiders turn the machinations with single elderly defenseless people
It is in USA.
In Moscow raider seizure occurs without a share in the apartment.
My name is Tatiana Gabova. I live in Moscow (address: str. Academica Glushko, house 16.)
I am a victim of stalking ( of direct-energy weapons )
My neighbors are well-known experts in the use of non-lethal weapons - Vladimir Pirumov, Olga Abakumova, Oleg Fedorov.
After my conversion to the police about my suspicions of attacks from directed energy weapons, I was beaten by Fedorov (multiple bruises, closed head injury, concussion, hematomas). Police refuse to initiate criminal proceedings.
Oleg Fedorov is my neighbor (his apartment is under my flat). He is CEO and Founder russian company Oxygen Forensic.

Oxygen Forensic Suite helps investigators and forensic specialists access and analyze data from a variety of mobile devices such as cell phones, smartphones, communicators, PDA and tablet PCs. Currently supporting more than 5,200 different models
Spyware allows analyzing logs and activities performed by common spyware applications, and allows accessing chunks of data that would be otherwise inaccessible to an investigator. Apple iOS analysis can retrieve user passwords stored in keychain backups created
Parsing and analyzing keychain allows investigators getting access to most passwords stored in Apple iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad.
Investigators can track user location at every moment.
The global search quickly reveals any connections (e.g. common contacts, exchanged calls, texts or emails) between the phone owners.
Oxygen’s statistical analysis tools allow investigators discover social connections between the users of multiple mobile devices. Calls, text messages and Skype conversations.
Oxygen Forensic Suite leaving no traces and making no modifications to the content of the devices, making it the tool of choice among government and law enforcement agencies, security services and forensic organizations in more than fifty countries.
Also my neighbors are Vladimir Pirumov and his daughter Olga Abakumova (their apartment is next to my apartment)

September 20, 2004  published the book "Non-lethal weapons in anti-terrorist operations. Among the authors are well-known experts in the use of non-lethal weapons - Vladimir Pirumov, Olga Abakumova (advokat) and others.
Articles devoted to military-technical and legal aspects of the use of non-lethal weapons.
Olga Abakumova is lawyer.
Also my neighbors are Andrey Kraskovskiy and Natalia Kraskovskaya (their apartment is next to my apartment). They graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MIFI) Andrey Kraskovskiy- manager of Sony СНГ. I suspicion, that he uses a directional sound system with a function to emit an annoying sound (high and low frequency). He intimidates and terrorize me.
I not able to actually use my real estate.
After my conversion to the police about my suspicions of attacks from a directional sound system, I was beaten by Kraskovskiy
Also my neighbor is Zargarov Ruslan (his apartment is above my flat). He is lawyer. He has own company for the sale of real estate.
He have a very good understanding of the pricing of real estate market, he is a familiar with the criminal and civil laws. He in friendly relations with the government security forces and the police.
His father is well-known the criminal.
My neighbors has not the share in my appartments. However they create for me unbearable living conditions, in order that I sell my real estate for nothing.

sony sng, victim of attacks from directed energy w, raider seizure, vladimir pirumov, olga abakumova, unbearable living conditions, human rights, gang stalking, cyber espionage, oxygen forensic, use of non-lethal weapons, weapons based on new physical principles, raiding, ruslan zargarov, oleg fedorov, andrey kraskovskiy, my neighbors

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