8x23: Sacrifice

May 16, 2013 21:16

Supernatural 8x23: Sacrifice

Annoyed that there's no Dean/Cas hug in the Carry On My Wayward Son opening sequence. Benny and Sam get a hug. I'm petty, I am aware.

WTF, did they just kill off ANOTHER female character?! Is Jody actually dead?

I so desperately want them to kill Crowley. Sarah Blake was the last straw and while I initially loved the character. he has long overstayed his welcome.

Moose and Squirrel! Hee!

LOVED Dean telling Sam the things he should ask forgiveness for. Funny yet incredibly true.

I don't trust Naomi OR Metatron. Team Free Will should just stick with each other. I miss season 5 :( Hopefully season 9 will be more like it...

I don't know how Cas still manages to be super sexy while being a douchebag.

Seriously? Dean and Cas having a heart to heart in a bar where Cupid shows up to make two MEN fall in love?! I can't...it's too easy. Can Destiel HAPPEN already?!

I LOVE Abaddon. She is wicked evil and awesome. I hope they don't pull another Ruby and change the actress.

I cannot believe SPN threw in an Aziz Ansari and a Girls reference. "You're my Marnie, Moose." LOL. Does that make Dean and Cas the Jessa and Shoshanna? It kindof fits...

Speaking of which, Dean must be so fucking pissed at Cas constantly disappearing on him! I am!

I feel like "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons should have been playing during the scene in which Sammy was glowing ;)

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Not my Cas!!! Being an angel is part of what we LOVE about him! This is like the David Boreanaz version of Angel human vs Angel vampire dilemma all over again... I always preferred the vamp. I guess we were on this road from The End, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out next season. At least Misha will get a new wardrobe. I'm envisioning a leather jacket.

Jared and Jensen KILLED this scene. Amazing, I have tears in my eyes. I mean, my heart broke a little for Cas, who has always put Dean first but fair enough, Sam and Dean have and always will be family and most importantly, they both needed to hear that from each other. I hope Cas gets a speech like that next year. I hope they all actually get ALONG instead of biting at each other next year.

The conclusion to the trials reminds me a little of the end of season 5, with the build up to this epic fight and then...well, a totally different route that I have somewhat grown to love. Still, the trials are different. I don't understand the point of doing them all season only to not complete them in the end. Though I suppose, if the gates of hell were closed, no more show...

Whoa, Dean said "Castiel!" Has he ever used his full name?!

Oh man, this is devastating. I am DEVASTATED. Those special effects were SPECTACULARLY beautiful but I am crying again because the angels!!! ALL of them? Really?! :'( Will all the places they fell become really pretty now?

Fucking bastard Metatron, I cannot believe they are all falling. Can they get their grace back like Anna did? Poor things, poor Cas. Dean was so concerned. I feel hollow :(

Season 8 has been CONSIDERABLY better than the last but there are still a lot of holes for me. I suppose Carver had to fix what Gamble messed up but what was Naomi's game plan all along? Why did Amelia make such an unwelcome appearance in the first place, just to give Sam a reason to be an ass and turn his back on his brother?! WHERE is Benny and what was the point of him getting out just to dive back in?!

I am grateful for Team Free Will all being back as regulars in season 9 though, so I look forward to seeing how it plays out. I look forward to Destiel and Misha playing Cas human and Dean and Sam teaching him how to deal with it all. I can't believe we have to wait 5 months!!!
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