Goodbye to you...

May 25, 2010 01:11

Thank you, LOST.

"I love you" and I shall miss you.

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lovinlorne May 24 2010, 22:41:44 UTC
Agreed. :0)


gabs186 May 31 2010, 13:42:36 UTC
You're a J/K fan? :)

Cos that was the high point for me. I thought the whole death thing was a cop-out...


lovinlorne May 31 2010, 16:01:22 UTC
Really? I couldn't care less about any couples with the exception of Sun and Jin, Juliette and Sawyer and Rose and Bernard. LOL. I liked Jack and I liked Kate, but whether they were together or apart wasn't a big deal to me at all.

I thought the ending was great.


gabs186 June 11 2010, 16:37:10 UTC
J/K are one of my favourite couples of all time. So yeah, I vaguely give a crap about what happens to them ;) Their ending wasn't perfect, but it was close.

I also loved Sawyer/Juliet so I'm thrilled they got their reunion too.

I enjoyed the finale, it was a love-fest. However, it was a little unlike the LOST I know and love and the whole we're-all-dead thing was a little...pedestrian, IMO.

But I'm a mix of Foxy and Evie ;) Part invested in storyline, part in characters. One of those was granted satisfaction.


lovinlorne June 11 2010, 17:45:59 UTC
LOL. There was this show a few back...pretty much taught me not to get too caught up in couples, or possible couples, when watching TV shows.

I would have been upset if they had all been dead from the get go, (S1) but since they weren't, having the AU for S6 be this limbo world or whatever you want to call it, was all good with me.


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