i am no man!

Jan 04, 2010 18:14

I forgot to mention I met Miranda Otto in Sydney. I figured that'd be appreciated here, since we're all such LOTR fans. Eowyn herelf. So yeah, that was pretty fun :)

Also, after that shit they pulled last night, there is no way I am watching Desperate Housewives ever again. I've been waning for a while and this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Say what you want about crappier, lesser known/watched shows but they try their best to somewhat satisfy their fans. Some shows that get Emmy and Golden Globe nominations like DH and Ugly Betty seem to not appreciate good chemistry even if it bites them in the ass, nor do they give a damn what the fans want. Sometimes that's a good thing. Most times, as in this case, it loses viewers.
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