Dec 11, 2004 22:42
my house got quiet..
took little baby Adrian and my sister to the airport this morning and now, it feels so empty.. i miss him already.. his little hands and feet and his 2 tiny teeth.. oh so corny, i know.. what can i say!!!
not that is a bad thing, sometimes i stay locked in my room to get away from them but its just me and my dad tomorrow.. watching movies all day long.. L-rd save me! joking.. :) i love my father, we are very alike, pensive and quiet, i like watching movies with him, he doesn't make noises, doesn't ask questions, doesn't comment or interrupt.. he just enjoys it.. i like that...
but oh my dear.. a whole month with my parents.. by myself, with the bonding and communication.. i'm not so good at that.. specially the communication part.. oh dear..