The Master Baiters

Apr 26, 2010 00:33

The omnipresent process of sex, as it is woven into the whole texture of our man's or woman's body, is the pattern of all the process of our life. ~Henry Ellis

OOC Date: April 17, 2010
IC Date: Day 4, month 7, turn 22 of Interval 10
Who: G'brion, G'stav
Where: Night Hearth, High Reaches Weyr

G'brion and G'stav debate the age-old question of who hates it more when your dragon tells their dragon that you like to fantasize about their body: men or women.

It's been a long day. Someone annoyed J'vain this morning and the whole group he was training got to run a couple of extra laps in the bowl. Pterath got into a hissing, buzzing argument with Vhaith. Gabe's outing to the lake shore, meant to be relaxing, was not so much: whatever happened there, he came back to the barracks scowling at anyone in his path as though they'd roasted and eaten his pet firelizard. Now, with dinner past but bedtime not quite yet here, he's taken refuge in one of the big, soft chairs in the nighthearth, with a steaming hot mug of tea in his hand. He looks like the edge has been taken off his foul mood, at least - he's not so much angry now as just plain exhausted.

G'stav has been more or less keeping to himself these days. It's not that he hasn't been joking around or generally annoying, just that it's been toned down significantly. Tonight he comes in from the caverns, cradling a bowl of hot stew in his hands. The steams rises off the surface and he blows it away, careful not to trip and drop it all over the floor. He doesn't really notice the younger weyrling until he's in the chair next to him and ready to lift a spoon to his mouth. Oh. He glances over at G'brion and lifts an eyebrow, taking in the exhausted appearance of his barracks mate. "Long day?" Polite.

G'brion lifts his mug in greeting. "Yeah," he says, wrinkling his nose. "You're not even kidding." He takes a sip from the mug, and adds, "But I think tea is possibly the most brilliant thing anyone on Pern ever came up with in the whole history of the world." A pause, in which he grins. "How are you?" he asks finally.

"I heard your group got stuck with a couple of extra laps. That's rough, man." G'stav symphathizes, not sounding entirely fake. Though maybe it's just the hot soup he's shoveling into his mouth. It does a number on your tone. "Really?" He asks, giving that cup a skeptical look. "It always seemed to watery to me. But to each their own, I guess." He swallows some of that hot stuff and clears his throat. "Starving. Like no one ever feeds me."

"It's really relaxing, when you've just had ... one of those days," Gabe says. "I guess it's relaxing any time. But, you know. Yeah, the extra laps kind of sucked. That's life I guess. You and Teivoth do anything interesting today?" he asks.

"I think booze is rather relaxing when I've had one of those days. Knock a couple back at the bar and just relax... Alcohol, that's man's greatest invention if you ask me." G'stav tells Gabe, sounding pretty sure of that. More piping hot stew is shoveled into his mouth. Around this he manages to get, "Not, really man. He's a pain in the ass, he ruined my game when I was talking to that blonde. You know... what's her name." She must have made and impression if he doesn't remember her name. "What happened that J'vain got such a stick up his ass anyway?"

"No, I don't know which one you mean," Gabe says, pretending to be absolutely serious, but he spoils it with just the tiniest smirk at the end. "How did he ah - ruin your game?" As far as J'vain, he's more than happy to explain, or really to grouse about it. "That, it was completely ridiculous. Z'karo was screwing around instead of paying attention to the count, and after he messed up three times in a row, J'vain just got pissed and said we all had to run laps instead."

"He sent her brown a very descriptive image of what I thought about her tits. It's rather difficult to utter your smoothest lines when she's giving you the evil eye. How was /I/ supposed to know she came from a conversative holder life?" The part about messing up the numbers makes the weyrling wince a little. "Three times? That's definitely rough. Did he get his ass kicked afterwards? You know, for wrecking practice?"

"I wish. I would have been first in line, but he weighs about twice as much as me," Gabe says, making a face. It's an exaggeration, but not by much. "Lot of people were pissed at him, though, so maybe he won't do it again. I guess we'll see." As far as G'stav's game - all he can do is smile. "Guess you got to watch out what you think around them even still. I ran into a... somewhat similar problem earlier."

"That doesn't matter. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. You're small. You could have taken several vital shots before you had to run away. And he wouldn't have caught you anyway, so it would have been fine." Except for that part where Gabe would have gotten in trouble later, but that's not on the table. Right? Those real consequences? "He's a bastard, I think he's doing it on purpose. He thought it was funny, hilarious. Yours seems a little nicer than mine. I... hope it wasn't something too bad?"

"Ah." Gabe flushes. "Let's just say if my cousin had any doubt before that I jerk off sometimes - well, now she doesn't." He makes a face. "She's got her points, Pterath, but she sure does get blabby sometimes."

"...You're sort of old. I don't know why she would be thinking about it since you're cousins, but... It's not exactly out of the realm of posibilities. No?" Gus proposes slowly. If he looks a little unsure what to say in this position, can he really be blamed?

"Well, that's just the thing, isn't it?" Gabe says. "She didn't /have/ to think about it, until Pterath decided apparently to tell Liniath in all kinds of detail... yeah. So. Well. They're supposed to grow out of doing shit like that. That's what people say!" And Gabe, for one, can't wait.

"Well, I'm sure she'll push all of that to the back of her mind pretty soon. Eventually it'll be a dim memory erased by the sands of time. As long as you never bring it up again." G'stav tells the younger weyrling. "And yeah, they tell us that. I'm still waiting for it."

"I sure hope so. I mean, honestly though, it's not like she's gonna want to do anything else." Gabe has to grin. "I guess in that I kind of have an advantage over you. If she goes and tells some guy about - that - it's not like a guy's gonna care."

"You're saying that... and hold on while I compose myself on this one." G'stav holds up a finger to get this moment. "You're saying that if you're trying to pick up a /guy/ and your dragon tells him all about how you jerk off and think about this guy while jerking off that this guy isn't going to be like 'Yeeeeah. Okay. Too much information, man, too much information." He then turns that finger on himself. "I absolutely do not think you have one up on me. I think you're in the trenches just as much."

"It might be too much information," Gabe says, shrugging, "but a guy's not going to be like 'ew gross, that's disgusting' the way girls are about guys jerking off. I mean, /all/ guys jerk off, you know?"

"I might be like 'ew gross, that's digusting' if you I get an image of you jerking off in my head. No offense man, but not every guy is totally cool with that sort of imagery. Now, if a woman's dragon sent me a message about her rubbing one off? That would be different. That would be hot." G'stav is doing a lot of finger pointing throughout this, all example like.

"Exactly!" G'brion says, slapping the arm of his chair for emphasis. "Because you like girls. A guy who likes guys is not going to be grossed out by the idea of another guy jerking off." He slumps back in the chair and grins. "Not that I am planning on testing this theory, mind."

"Okay, well. What if you're hitting on a guy and you didn't know he was straight? Maybe he's just friendly? Or metro? Then it's going to be /way/ embarassing when he suddenly gets an image of you jerking off. Maybe he'll ew." The rest of the stew is tossed back and he finishes it quickly. "I think that's a good idea, it might not have the desired effects."

"Yeah. Well, it would be pretty embarrassing regardless," Gabe agrees, making a face. "I'm just saying - it /might/ not be a deal-killer. But anyway I'll be glad when she learns to keep her mouth shut. Her head shut. Whatever." He's done with his tea, so he leans forward and puts the mug on the nearest table, then flops back in his chair.

Gus keeps the empty bowl in his hands, "Yeeeeah. Head shut. I like that. I wish Teivoth would keep his head shut most of the time." He decides and then yawns, slowly. "I think it might be getting to that time when I go bed. Otherwise I'll be messing up counts and needing to run extra laps."

G'brion hehs. "Yeah, if you decide to do that, don't be in my group, huh?" he requests with a smirk. But then he hops to his feet, and stretches himself, also yawning. "I'll walk back with you," he offers.

G'stav is slower to get out of his chair, for all his lack of running laps, "Sure. Just don't let her send any images of you jerking off to Teivoth. I'm very straight, I might vomit on you." As they head off back to the barracks he tags onto the end, "Just joking, obviously."

"If she does, I'll stay out of range, just in case," Gabe says, snorting with barely suppressed laughter as they head off through the tunnels and back to the barracks.

$liniath, $teivoth, $j'vain, g'stav, $pterath, $silarra, $z'karo

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