The Prediction

Apr 07, 2010 22:49

Everybody has a heart. Except some people. ~Bette Davis

OOC Date: April 5, 2010
IC Date: Day 24, month 5, turn 22 of Interval 10
Who: Teris, G'brion
Where: Nighthearth, High Reaches Weyr

G'brion tries to make friends with Teris, and fails.

It's late in the evening and G'brion is hungry. He is hungry because he missed dinner. He missed dinner because Pterath was throwing a draconic temper tantrum about SOMETHING and would. not. let. him. leave. So, now that she's finally asleep, he trudges into the night hearth looking hungry, yes, but also grumpy and exhausted.

Teris is already here. She's clean, so she's probably bathed, but she's dry, so it was probably awhile ago now. Her hair is dried in slight curls that would suggest she hasn't really brushed it since then but, well, the guy that intrudes on her relative privacy might not notice those sorts of things. The gold weyrling doesn't speak up when she sees the younger man but she does look from the hearth toward him and she watches from the comfortable chair that she's sitting in.

G'brion leans over the stew pot and peeks in to make sure it's not all congealed to the bottom. And then he dishes himself up a bowl. "Teris. Hey," he says as he ambles over to the chair next to hers, and flops down into it. "How's... it going?" he asks, haltingly, as though he'd changed his mind in the middle about just /what/ he was asking.

"Fine," Teris replies casually. "How are you, G'brion? Is Pterath settled down now?" She noticed. Of course she did. She's been having her own issues with her lifemate. Who is soundly sleeping at the moment or else Teris would probably be with her.

"Yeah. Finally," Gabe says with a sigh. He's noticed Teris's issues with Iskiveth, too, but he doesn't mention that. He just shrugs. "What can you do. Tomorrow should be better." Here's hoping.

"Always tomorrow," Teris agrees with a small, vague nod, turning her attention back to the fire like she expects that to be all of the conversation going on between them.

The blonde is apparently lost in thought all the while that G'brion is inhaling his food. She's hardly paying any attention to him at any rate. When he finally speaks again, though, Teris draws in a breath and glances over at him with a faint shrug of one thin shoulder. "Well, as far as I know. You'd probably know better than me, hmm?"

"I would?" Gabe looks blankly at Teris, trying to figure out why he's supposed to know better than her. Not terribly quick on the uptake this evening, is he.

"Wouldn't you?" Teris returns the question right back to him again. "We don't talk all that often anymore. Not about anything important, at least." And while that clearly bothers her, she does her best to maintain her usual coolness as she stares at the fire.

"Oh," Gabe says. "I thought, uh." He doesn't elaborate on what, exactly, he thought. He just shakes his head, and then shrugs. "I talked to him, like, once."

"Then I guess neither of us really know how he's been. The last time I talked to him at any length was the night of the hatching. And he seemed fine then." Teris blinks slowly, stifles a yawn and glances toward the green weyrling. "Maybe you should ask him if you want to know?"

Annoyance flickers briefly across Gabe's face, but he smothers it with stew. After another pause for food-inhalation, he says, "He's about as forthcoming as you. In conversation."

"Must run in the family," suggests Teris, vaguely amused now with a smile pulling at the corners of her lips and everything. "Or maybe it has something to do with you. Anyway, I'd tell you more if I could. There's not much I can do for him." Especially not now.

G'brion narrows his eyes slightly at /that/ suggestion. But he doesn't take exception, otherwise. "No?" he replies, to the last, and then sighs. "No. I guess not."

"Wouldn't have expected you to care all that much. He's never really mentioned you, is all. He usually talks about the guys he's sleeping around with when we do talk." Not that that was probably a huge topic of conversation the night of the hatching. But Teris isn't exactly an innocent conversationalist. "I'm not sure if it's some attempt to make he think guys aren't as disgusting and ridiculous as they really are. Not sure where his logic is..."

G'brion rolls his eyes a little. "Well, I'm not sleeping around with him," he says simply. Then: "He's supposed to be my mentor." It's unclear if these two statements are connected.

"Supposed to be?" Teris seems amused by the way he says it. "Does that mean you can't sleep with him or that he's a crappy mentor? Or is he just not your type?" Come on, Teris doesn't get to tease people about this sort of thing very often. She doesn't even seem to be malicious about it.

"Can't sleep with anyone," Gabe points out, in a 'duh' tone. "But I wasn't planning on it, anyway. He's... cute. But. W'chek would probably punch me in the nose again." A pause, and then he says, "I don't /get/ them." He looks expectantly at Teris - like she does, maybe?

Despite the 'duh' quality to his voice, Teris doesn't seem particularly upset by him being him. "Honestly, I don't really get them either. You'd think B'tal wouldn't put up with that sort of thing. Not after--" she pauses, hesitant to even talk about her father. Their father. "I'm no mindhealer. I'd say he should visit one but he'd probably get upset about it. And you shouldn't let that bastard punch you at all."

"Didn't see it coming," Gabe says resentfully. "It wasn't a matter of /letting/ him. B'tal, on the other hand..." He trails off, and shrugs. "I wouldn't think anyone would put up with it. He's kind of weird. No offense." The spoon scrapes the bottom of the bowl, and Gabe eyes it, then eyes the stew pot.

"B'tal has always let himself... into situations like that." Teris shakes her head. "There was a harper I wanted him to be with. But he was too nice, maybe. Even Z'yi would have been better than W'chek but. B'tal screwed that up. And he seems happy for it. So I don't know." Teris does not understand this relationship stuff at all. And maybe she doesn't want to if that's what it's all about.

"Really?" Gabe seems surprised. "Huh. ...Z'yi didn't hit him, did he? He - doesn't really seem like the type, you know." With that, he pushes himself up out of the chair and heads over to the pot to ladle himself up a second bowl of stew.

"No," Teris murmurs. "Not that I know of. He doesn't seem the type." She agrees on that point. "More into emotional shit." In her experience, at any rate. "They're all bastards in the end. You shouldn't end up like them. But you probably will anyway." So much faith.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gabe demands. "What's emotional shit? And why do you think I'm going to end up like them? What, I'm going to hit my eventual weyrmate? Or get beat up by him?"

Teris rolls her eyes and sinks down lower into her seat, shaking her head slightly. "Never mind. Maybe you'll understand when you're older." And all experienced like her, right? Never mind that he probably already has more hands on experience with relationships than she does.

"Or maybe you just don't know what you're talking about," Gabe suggests, smart-assedly, as he sits back down with his stew.

"My mistake," Teris says, a little more coolly now. "Sounds like you're already one of them. That's a real shame, you know. You could have had a nice future ahead of you where people actually liked and respected you."

"So it's random insults for no apparent reason, now?" Gabe asks, eyeballing Teris. "What is this, you think I'm going to grovel and kiss your ass just because you impressed Iskiveth?" He slurps some stew before he continues. "I was born here. You might be going to have rank, but, FYI? Your shit doesn't smell like flowers and perfume."

Teris sighs, apparently disappointed. "I was born here, too." What does that have to do with anything? "You'd think a guy like you would be pretty good at kissing ass. But this has nothing to do with Iskiveth. All of you guys think just because you have a dick means you have to /be/ one. But whatever. Fine." Teris is on her feet in the next moment, slipping her shoes back on and looking somewhat upset. Emotions liek that aren't usually things people see on her face. "Enjoy your stew."

"Fine, flounce off," Gabe retorts. "Insult me and then get all pissy when I call you on it. I was just trying to be nice to you, alright? You know, get along? Maybe even be friends. But whatever."

"Maybe you should be working on your bedside manner, then," Teris says before she's shifting to actually follow through on this getting ready to leave. "Because you're not very good at being nice." And no, she doesn't seem to care that she isn't very good at being nice either. She tried. For a little while. But she's going now.

"You insulted me first," Gabe grouses, and then inhales more stew. So there.

teris, $b'tal, $w'chek, $z'yi, !weyrling

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