The Girl-Drama

Mar 30, 2010 23:04

"It is hard, if not impossible, to snub a beautiful woman - they remain beautiful and the snub recoils." ~Winston Churchill

OOC Date: March 28, 2010
IC Date: Day 28, month 4, turn 22 of Interval 10
Who: G'brion, Teris, Silarra, Pterath, Iskiveth, Liniath
Where: Bowl, High Reaches Weyr

G'brion's attempt to have a conversation with Teris about B'tal doesn't work out so well when Silarra shows up. At least the dragons had fun.

G'brion is leaning against the wall of the bowl and watching Pterath splash and play in a wide, shallow mud-puddle. The rain has finally stopped, though it could start up again any moment, by the look of the sky and the feel of the air. Gabe has a little smile on his face as he watches his green enjoy herself.

Iskiveth is wandering just ahead of Teris as the move along the outer wall of the bowl from the west. The gold is distracted, pouncing at nothing every few steps as Teris watches her, bemused. It's not her that notices the other weyrling first, though. Iskiveth stops abruptly and announces to the green and probably any other dragons in the vicinity, << I got a gift! From Benden! >>

Splash, splash, splat! Pterath fans her wings and makes little waves in the water, trilling happily. Until she hears Iskiveth, anyway - then she looks up and warbles a greeting. << Hello Iskiveth! We got a gift, too, but it is from here. What did you get? >> Gabe straightens up and pushes away from the wall so he can stroll over and greet Teris. "Hey. How's it going?"

Liniath makes her way out of the weyrling area at a fast pace with Silarra trailing behind her, shaking her head. << Gifts? You got gifts? That is /so/ exciting! What did you get? Could you eat it? Or wear it? >> The little green is just full of bubbly questions. Silarra eyes her for a second then takes off in Gabe's direction, with a quick look even towards Teris.

Ichor-edged wings mantle as Iskiveth charges forward and they pump several times when she stops and rears up to claw at some unknown foe with her talons. The gift she shares with both as a little sharp, shiny, hooked knife, similar to said talons. << What gift did /you/ get? >> And why didn't she get it? To Liniath, the gold puffs, << I wouldn't like gifts I could /eat./ >> They don't keep well. "It's going," Teris offers with a vague wave of one hand as she comes up alongside Iskiveth who's taken to snapping at the water in a puddle at her feet.

<< Yyth and her rider gave us a piece of the egg I hatched from >> Pterath says, flashing an immage of the egg shard in a little box. << It made mine very happy, and he put it in the specialest part of his trunk, at the bottom. Yyth is mean, but she's nice, too. >> Somehow, this makes sense, even if Pterath isn't entirely sure how. G'brion grins at Teris and waves to Silarra. "It's a good thing," he says to the other two, "that she decided she wanted to play in the mud /before/ her nighttime oiling."

Liniath unfurls her wings as she splashes full force into a puddle, only to turn her head and look back at Silarra. << You'll wash me after I play, right? >> Apparently, this green hasn't gone beyond that sharing with everyone point. Not yet, at least. << I think I'd rather have a present that tasted good. I mean, you have claws to rip things with already. Food would be yummy. Or my very own oil that I didn't have to share with /anyone/. >> Silarra gives Gabe a grin. "Yeah. Glad I didn't just wash Liniath, because I'm sure she will insist on having every last drop of this washed off her hide when she's done playing." Teris gets another quick look, but nothing more.

<< Oh. >> Iskiveth looks up, muzzle covered with mud now, and that must not be quite as interesting as what she was hoping for. All the same, she looks at her rider who says, "I have some of it." Pleased, Iskiveth uses her claws to dig at the wet ground. << I can kill my own food. Gifts should be special. >> "A good thing?" Teris repeats as a question, then shifts her gaze toward Silarra. The blonde watches for several moments but her brows only furrow rather than her offering any greeting.

"Well yeah, 'cause then I'd have to clean and oil her again," Gabe explains. He gives Silarra a little smirk of solidarity. Then, looking back at Teris, he says, "I ran into your brother the other day." Pterath abandons her puddle to waddle over and help Iskiveth dig. << That looks like fun >> she says, applying her own claws to the muddy ground with gusto. And sure enough, it is fun!

Silarra nods her head. "And I'd rather not do all of that work twice. Though Liniath would probably heartily approve of getting washed and oiled twenty times a day." The comment about the brother gets a look, but she's still not really saying /anything/ to Teris. Liniath, though, has no such problem with Iskiveth. << Oh! We're digging? Can I come dig with you? It looks like fun! Mud, mud, mud, mud! >> There's a high pitched mental giggle with that as she dives into the digging, sending some of it flying wildly in her enthusiasm. << We can make a /big/ hole! And food is special! Yummy special. >>

"Oh?" Teris asks with curiosity about her brother. It's difficult to tell whether or not that curiosity is wholly genuine. "I hope not literally," she adds as her attention lowers to the small queen's worrying at the ground. << Yes! Dig! We might find treasure for me! >> A clump of mud hits Teris' trousers and she looks down with a nose wrinkling in disgust. It makes her move further away to avoid more of the same but as she does so, she's looking back at Silarra and demanding, "What's wrong with you?"

"No. Not literally," Gabe says. "We had a conversation." There's an awkward pause. "He looked like he was doing alright?" Presumably Teris would know one way or the other. His mouth drops open and he blinks, looking between Teris and Silarra. "Did I... miss something?" he asks. Pterath is paying no attention at all to the humans. She redoubles her digging efforts. << Treasure! That's a good idea. We should find some for ME, too! >>

Silarra looks over to Teris for a moment and then just raises her eyebrows. "What don't you tell me? I'm /sure/ you've got a whole list." Silarra states dryly. << Dirt! >> Liniath squeeks. Apparently she's more interested in that than treasure. << Can dirt be /my/ treasure! It's sooo squishy and goes all *splat*. >>

Blue eyes narrow at Silarra but it's G'brion that she speaks to first, "He's well enough as far as I know. Not any smarter, clearly. Still with that useless bronzerider." Iskiveth is oblivious to whatever Teris is talking about at the moment. There are much more interesting things to do than listen to anything about some other dragons' riders. << If there's some left over, >> she says generously to Pterath. << But it was my idea so I ought to have more. Liniath can have all of the dirt, though. >> Finally to Silarra, Teris simply shakes her head. "I've no idea what you're talking about."

G'brion nods to Teris and is about to say something else, but then, instead, he sighs and looks annoyed at finding himself in the middle of a quarrel. "Do I need to leave you two alone, or something?" he asks. Pterath agrees, at least insofar as the dirt goes. << Yes, Liniath, you'll have the dirt, and then Iskiveth and I can each have half the treasure. That's fair, since I helped dig. >>

Silarra shakes her head over to Gabe with a smirk. "Oh, no need for that. Please." She eyes Teris for a moment, her smirk widening a bit. "Then I'm sure there's no problem at all." Liniath gives a happy warble. << Yay! I'll make a little dirt mound. I bet if you roll in it, it would be all squishy and feel really wet and good. >> The green is distracted by this thought, moving to start shaping a very, very rough mound with her claws and nose.

Iskiveth pauses in her digging to look at Pterath, not particularly pleased by the green making up her own percentages. << You wouldn't be digging if it weren't for my idea. I deserve more. It's mine. >> This treasure that doesn't exist at all yet. But just as the gold is spreading her wings, lowering her head and moving forward to chase the others away, Teris snaps a cold, "No!" Something said between only the two of them makes Iskiveth bristle in protest, the heat of her presence a wave that reaches to hit both greens before it's gone and the pointy queen is moving off. << /Fine./ >> Teris has gone cold herself and she says to G'brion, "I'll go." A final glare toward Silarra and then the elder weyrling is moving to follow her lifemate.

G'brion peers at Teris. "Uh... okay?" he says. "I'll talk to you later, I guess?" He turns to eye Silarra with a 'WTF?' look on his face. Pterath's head comes up out of the hole, muddy. << You're not going to help anymore? >> She sounds disappointed.

Silarra watches Teris for a moment before she just shakes her head over to Gabe. "What? What did I do to her that she wasn't doing to me?" Silarra sounds defensive as Liniath looks up from her dirt, startled by the wave of heat. << Oh! Bye! We'll have to play again sometime soon! >> And then she flops down, rolling in the mud, getting a wince from Silarra. "Oh, you're just going to be a /joy/ to clean tonight, aren't you?"

<< No, >> is Iskiveth's simple response to Pterath. She doesn't sound happy about it but there aren't anymore outward protests, either. They're going somewhere else is the only sense she offers other than some vague yes for Liniath. Teris walks with her own purpose, maybe a little tense, but she doesn't look back. There's only a brief glance down when the gold touches her hand and slides it back so the blonde catches it to one of Iskiveth's spiky neck ridges.

"I don't know, you tell me!" G'brion says, throwing up his hands. "What was that all about? I mean, I was just standing here having a conversation and all of a sudden you two are like - all pissed off at each other." Pterath huffs, annoyed that one of her digging partners is gone, and flops down next to their hole.

Silarra shrugs her shoulders. "I don't like her." Silarra states simply. "And I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me. Not since the first time we met. And well, I've just been rather pissy lately anyway. Too many giggle inspired headaches." There's a wince there. Fortunately Liniath is too busy enjoying her roll in the mud to pay attention to it. << You should try this, Pterath! It's all splat under you. And kinda slimey. >>

"Great," Gabe says. "Well, she's a goldrider now, so maybe you should at least try to be a little bit nice, or something? I mean, she'll outrank us both the second we graduate." Pterath watches Liniath for a moment, dubious at first, but then - why not? She gets up, and splats belly first into the mud. << That IS fun! >> she decides.

Dragon> To all Flurry dragons, Pterath projects, << Everyone come see!! Liniath showed me how to go SPLAT in the mud! >>

Dragon> To all Flurry dragons, Szadath grumbles, all sleepy-cold wintry breezes. << Mud? Splat? What kind of game is this? >>

Dragon> To all Flurry dragons, Liniath shares the feeling of mud going *squish* under her hide. << It is a fun game! You should all come play! You go splat and then you roll in it, and it feels so great! >>

Liniath stands back up again so that she can freshly splat into her pile, sending a bit flinging towards Silarra. << See! I told you it was good! >> Silarra wipes a bit off her arm with a shake of her head. "What if she doesn't want me to be a little nice? I mean usually she doesn't even act like I exist." Or at least she's done that once. That's usually, right?

"I'm just saying try," Gabe says with a shrug of his shoulders. "Why borrow trouble, if it's not necessary?" He dares to step a little closer to the greens and their mudbath. "Pterath, how about we get you cleaned up and oiled?" Pterath swings around to look at him, torn. On the one hand: MUD! On the other hand: bath and oil. Now that's a hard choice.

Dragon> To all Flurry dragons, Balyeroth projects, << Rolling in mud? >>

Silarra looks out at the mess that Liniath has become. She doesn't respond to Gabe on the Teris front, instead just wincing. "Yeah, Liniath. We'd better do the same. You need all that mud washed off before you fall asleep. You'd hate that, right?" The perky green considers it for a moment before she's bouncing over. "Yes, yes. That will mean oil. Does Pterath absolutely love getting oiled? Liniath thinks it's the best thing on Pern."

"I think they all like it," Gabe says with a shrug. "Best thing on Pern, maybe not, but - well heck, I wouldn't mind if someone bathed and oiled ME every day." He smirks. "You know?" A little bit of mental chivvying, and he manages to convince Pterath to abandon the mud puddle in favor of heading inside. He gives Silarra a little wave, and off they go.

silarra, iskiveth, liniath, teris, $b'tal, pterath, $w'chek

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