The Crush Foiled Again

Mar 04, 2010 22:43

The mark of a true crush... is that you fall in love first and grope for reasons afterward. ~Shana Alexander

OOC Date: February 19, 2010
IC Date: Day 1, month 1, turn 22 of Interval 10.
Who: Gabrion, Silarra, Brenoran, Teris, Xeoshen
Where: Bowl, High Reaches Weyr; Inner Caverns, High Reaches Weyr

Gabe tries to flirt with Brenoran - again - and once again is foiled by his nosy cousin. He storms off in a sulk, bumps into Teris, and has a surprisingly civil conversation with her about how awful family is and his plans for candidacy.

Dressed in his work clothes, with a knitted hat with big floppy earflaps and a thin jacket, Gabrion ambles aimlessly across the bowl with his hands thrust into his jacket pockets for warmth. Snow is falling lightly, just a dusting, and the flakes show up on his dark jacket before melting into the fabric.

Brenoran sniffs against the cold after so long outside. But then at least there's work to do to help keep him warm. There's always work for him and his companions, none of it taking much intelligence, but most of it taking much effort. He pauses between moving one rock and the next wiping an arm across his brow and turning a glance across the bowl.

Gabrion has a habit of stopping, at least for a little while on these walks of his, to watch the convicts work. Only when Brenoran is working, actually, but Brenoran might not notice that, since when he's not there he's... not there to see Gabe walk on by without much interest. Standing and watching, Gabe has a slight smile on his face. It broadens, and he waves, when he sees Brenoran look over.

Brenoran is near the worksite doing what he's there to do, working. Or rather taking a short break at the moment with a glance sent over the bowl. He nods a return greeting to that wave that Gabrion gives - whether it's meant for him or not.

Gabrion hesitates for a bit. But it's awkward just standing there staring, so he collects his courage and his wits (such as they are) and walks up to Brenoran, still with a sunny smile on his face. "Hi," he says brightly. "How's it going?"

Silarra strides through the bowl, coming up from the stables. The smell of runner clings lightly to her. The young woman seems to be in a good mood from the idle smile on her face. It widens a bit when she spots her cousin. She angles in his direction. "Gabe! How's it going?" She echoes his words, giving Brenoran a quick smile as well.

Brenoran shrugs in reply to that question from the healer being that that is relatively clear as being directed towards him. "A'right," is the verbal part of the reply, but there's little more to say before he turns a quirk of a smile towards Silarra.

Gabrion looks around, surprised to hear his name called. "Oh, hey Silarra," he says casually, and then turns his attention back to Brenoran. "I heard you got searched," he says. "That true?"

Silarra looks over to Brenoran. "You got searched?" She questions, a smile still on her face. Apparently she doesn't think it's a bad thing for /this/ convict to get searched. "They're snapping up lots of people. Or maybe it just seems like it."

Brenoran shrugs, "One'a 'em dragons thinks somethin'," he replies without really answering the question. "Ain't official or nothing yet," he adds. So there really isn't a yes or a no to answer that with at the moment. "Guess they ain't sure they want none'a us there."

"I guess that would be kind of awkward," Gabe says thoughtfully. "Well, except you're supposed to be all done with your sentence, once the work's done, right? So if the job were to get finished before the hatching... they couldn't really stop you standing, now could they? It would be your right."

Xeoshen is heading back to the work space from the living caverns, nodding to those he says, and raises an eyebrow. "I heard they aint too happy over it, so ya might want to enjoy the knot while ya got it." He says. "That boys got a point though." He hooks a thumb in Gabe's direction.

Silarra considers that for a moment, rocking forward to her toes. "But aren't the dragons the ones to decide? Do they really say no a lot to poeple the dragons think should do it?" That question is asked towards Gabe. Xeoshen gets a nod of greeting from the stablehand before she nods to Brenoran. "Hopefully you'll be done before the eggs get hard then."

"Ain't got the knot yet," Brenoran corrects Xeoshen. "Dunno if Ah will." He shrugs to Silarra, "Maybe, can't blame 'em ifin they ain't wantin' criminals in the ranks though." Its reasonable at least when thought of that way.

"The dragons don't decide /everything/," Gabe says firmly. "If someone has, I don't know, a missing leg or something, they can't be a rider. And honestly," he lowers his voice to mutter to his cousin, "can you imagine someone like Chauncey with a dragon? It would be a disaster. Brenoran's different though." He smiles brightly at Brenoran again. It's almost like he wants something from him.

Xeoshen ahs. "I dunno, from what I hear, I doubt yer likely not to get it, the Weyrwoman, her queen, and a bunch of other Weyr residents were not happy with it." He says, taking a seat. "Don't the Weyrleaders, and them under them have the last say who can stand, and who can't?" He asks, and snorts. "Chauncey on a dragon could be hazordouss to our healths." He remarks, and leans foward, putting his elbows on his knees.

Silarra nods her head in agreement with Gabe and Xeoshen. "I hope they wouldn't let an idiot like that on one." She states pretty bluntly before she turns a cheeky grin over on her cousin. "You know, Brenoran can hear you."

"Got ears," Brenoran notes raising a brow at Gabe's commentary. A shrug for the other two. "He might not be good fer it, but..." Shrug. He's not the one making the decisions about all that. "Ain't no differnt meh or one of 'em," he adds sending a nod towards some of the other convicts nearby.

"You don't think?" Gabe says, wrinkling his nose; he begs to differ. "You don't talk about people the way he does. You're not a - you're not like him." He's firm about it. He sticks his tongue out at Silarra. Xeoshen gets a brief glance - Gabe isn't familiar with him, and though he may be handsome enough, he apparently doesn't hold anything like the endless fascination that Brenoran does. "So," Gabe says to Brenoran, "do you /want/ to? Stand, I mean? Be a dragonrider, all of that? You didn't grow up in a weyr, it must be a new kind of thing for you to think about doing that."

Xeoshen shrugs. "Eh, the dragons know what they're doin', or somethin' from what I hear." He says, and snorts. "Nah, you aint bad, none of us are that bad." Well, not all of them anyway, some of them are better than others after all. He eyes Gabe for a moment, and then shakes his head. The guy seems to have tunnel vision. He'll look to Silarra then. "What's new with ya?"

Warucori walks out across the bowl, humming a happy little tune. Now and then she spins and twirls as she goes, kicking up bits of snow around her. In one hand she holds a deep blue handkerchief that she now and again holds up to her nose to break in whatever fragrance it has been inprinted with. Hearing voices she slows down, her humming lowering and then breaking off as she considers the group ahead.

Silarra shakes her head over to Gabrion with a smirk. The girl leans in close to her cousin to whisper to him. "Do we need to watch for drool?" But then she's straightening up to give Xeoshen a smile. "I'm fully back to work. For a bit now, but still so happy to be doing it." And it's seemingly put the sometimes prickly young women in a good mood. "How much longer do you think all of this will take?" She asks with a look to the rocks. As Silarra turns her head, Warucori is spotted, getting a quick wave.

"Told 'im Ah'd stand ifin they want me," Brenoran replies. "Ain't got nowhere else ta be." So somehow it seems as good an idea as any. "An' no, don't talk bout people. Gossip don't do nothin' good fer no one." Shrug and silence until Silarra's question. "Ain't nothin' they tell us." How long it'll take. "Take as long as it takes. Good ta see yer movin' better 'n all." Being that someone else has already pointed it out.

Gabrion swings an elbow at Silarra, shooting her the briefest of glares. "Quit that," he hisses at her, but the smile is right back on his face when he looks at Brenoran again. "Hey, do you like playing card games?" he asks. "Me and my brother and some guys, we play sometimes around dinner, so like, if you could get them to let you sit with us, you could play, too," he offers. "If you wanted, and all, I mean."

Xeoshen nods to Silarra. "Yeah, good to hear, hope it keeps going well for ya." He remarks, and glances around, and shrugs. "Last I heard it could be several months still." He says in answer to her question. "Hopin' they let us know when we get close to finishing." You know, so they can all start making plans for what they'll do when released. He looks to Brenoran, and nods. "Yeah well, wish ya luck either way." He says to the other con, turned condidate. He glances up at the new comer, and nods to Warucori. "'ello."

Warucori lifts a hand and waves back to Silarra as she moves closer and tucks the blue cloth into the pocket of her smock. "Hello there." She replies to Xeoshen with a warm smile. "Did you all have fun at the turns-end party?" Looking from face to face, she's all grins and there's even an eager little bounce to her.

Silarra darts away from the elbow, turning to stick her tongue out at Gabe in turn. Then the stablehand wrinkles her nose. "I see no point in a party where everyone dresses up all fancy for no reason at all. It's a stupid waste of time." That would likely be a no, to Warucori. She glances to Gabe. "I'm going to guess this invite skips over to me because I'm the wrong gender?" She asks before Xeoshen actually gets a grin. "Yeah. Took a runner out for a ride today. It was so good."

"Ain't much fer cards," Brenoran replies with a shrug. "An' dunno if that'll work so good anyways." In other words, thanks for the offer but I'm not going to push my luck here. There's a quick of a smile for Warucori as she joins their small group, a nod of greeting. "Ain't so much fer parties neither."

Gabrion looks at Silarra, now seriously annoyed. "Or because I wasn't talking to you," he says rudely. "Shells, a guy can't have a conversation around here. I'm going inside. See you later, Brenoran." Everyone else can apparently just suck it, because Gabe turns on his heel and stalks off without another word to anyone else.

Xeoshen snorts. "Not big on parties like that either, they're just for people with money to show off the nice clothes they can afford, and hang out withb people in high class." He rolls his eyes, and grins at Silarra. "Hey, aparently I aint invited either, and I'm the same gender as him." He snorts again.

Warucori looks crestfallen and no little hurt by Silarra's assesment of the evening of parties. "Oh." She says, not really sure what else to say about as each person in the group poo-poos the very idea of parties. "I see....". She fusses a bit, digging a toe into the snow as she falls silent to listen to the others. Her eyes widen as Gabrion stomps off, frowning now, "my goodness. How rude."

Silarra turns to shake her head at Gabrion as he stalks off. "What got up his backside?" She mutters before she looks over to Warucori. "I'm sure he's got some horribly silly reason for it. Don't mind Gabe." She states giving Xeoshen a smile. "True. We can form a 'not invited' club."

"Ain't so much bout bein' 'vited 'er not, somea us ain't got nothin' worth celebratin'," Brenoran replies with his usual shrug even as he casts a glance after Gabrion. Right. Whatever that was about, he's clueless. Looking back to the girls and Xeoshen he shrugs again.

Inner Caverns

Gabrion comes in from outside, his knitted hat dusted with rapidly melting snow, his hands thrust into the pockets of his thin jacket, glaring daggers at the world. Something's eating at him, obviously.

Recently bathed, Teris is probably in a slightly better mood that she has been all day. It hasn't helped at all that she's been doing common chores for a good part of that day. But now she's as relaxed as she tends to get, making her way through the tunnel back toward the resident area with a mug of klah in her hands. "Someone cut in front of you?" she wonders when she spies the young man.

"No," Gabrion says sourly. He takes that for an invitation to pour out his woes to Teris, rather than the sarcastic jab it was. "It's like, every single time I try to have a conversation with this one person, my stupid cousin has to butt in and make all these stupid jokes and get in the way. Why can't a guy just have a conversation for once without stupid people interrupting? What is it about people anyway?" he demands, throwing his hands in the air.

Teris probably should have seen that coming. She does have a younger brother, after all. Even if he's not /that/ much younger than herself. But there's only a resigned little sigh as she listens to him ramble on. "Maybe it's because you call them stupid. A lot of people don't really like that." She does it often enough to know this from first hand experience, after all. "Is it an important conversation?"

"Yes!" Gabe says, frustrated. "And I never get to actually have it, because she keeps /interrupting/. It's not because I called her stupid, I don't call her that when she can /hear/ me." Like, DUH.

"So have it somewhere more private. If you don't tell her, it's not like she can just automatically know what you want." Teris is rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her klah then her gaze shifts down the tunnel. "Who are you trying to have a conversation with? And what about?"

"Just a guy," Gabe mutters, and his face reddens: that ought to be answer enough to 'what about,' even if he's not about to tell. "I keep trying ... she's just /stupid/," he insists. "Relatives suck. I wish I didn't have any."

"Oooh," Teris says, drawing out the vowel as though that explains everything when, in fact, it probably only presents more questions. "Just a guy," she repeats knowingly rather than asking any of those questions. "Anyway, you shouldn't say that. I can understand wanting to get rid of some but /all/ of them? That's just silly."

Gabrion's mouth twists in a smirk. "True. Gevran can stay," he agrees. "And Dad can visit once a month."

"See," Teris offers. "B'tal could stay. My mother. Maybe my uncle and his daughter, too. But I don't really care about the others." She takes another sip and continues heading at her leisurely pace toward, well, somewhere.

Gabrion has something in common with Teris? His head might explode. He blinks at her, and it almost doesn't register that she's walking away from him until, belatedly, he says, "Hey. Wait up," and trots after her. "Where are you going?" he asks.

Pausing for a moment to glance back, Teris shrugs. "No where, really." She waits until he's caught up before continuing. "Maybe you should write a note to this guy. He can read, right? Then your cousin can't butt in, at least." She looks over at the boy for a moment, then she smiles and says, "If you were older I'd say I know this harper than you might like. Alas."

Gabrion trots along, happy for the company - and the advice, even. "A note! That's a good idea," he says. "I wonder if he can read, though," he murmurs, thoughtful. Then he shrugs, and with eyebrows arching, asks, "Which harper? One of the ones here? I think our harper is married, isn't he?"

"Oh, no. Not Rorkes," Teris says. "B'tal always liked him, though. It's kind of a shame that he's not the sort." And probably for more than just this reason. "Jero. I think he's back at the hall now, though. Anyway, you're too young for him, I'm sure. He's a good man." That's a serious compliment coming from Teris.

"How old is he?" Gabe wants to know. "I don't think I ever met him. Elijah's not bad looking, but I can't figure out if he goes for guys or girls. Maybe both. I dunno."

"Oh, I don't know exactly. Younger than Rorkes, at least. Older than me." Teris is so casual talking about this all you'd think she was talking about the weather. Though that might garner more feeling since she's had to actually be out in it the last few days. "You ought to be worrying about more important things, anyway."

"Like what?" Gabe responds, but immediately goes on to say, "I've been studying and all that. I got two distinctions in my exams. I'm doing fine." Then, out of nowhere: "Does the weyrwoman think I'm totally stupid, or something?"

"Well, that, yes. Studying. Getting all worked up over 'some guy' isn't really going to help you out at all." Teris has had this conversation before. Guess with who! The last question gives her pause, though, and she looks over at Gabrion. "Why do you ask?"

"Because if she does, there's no point in talking to her, really," Gabe says, managing to be logical and yet make no sense at the same time. "If not, though. There's this thing I want to do. She could probably help. Well, if the weyrleader can't do it, anyway."

Not really following, Teris just nods her head slowly to give the impression that she actually is. "I can't say you've ever really come up in my conversations with her before," she admits. "I think she tends to assume everyone is totally stupid until proven otherwise, though." Much like herself, in fact. "Can't hurt to talk to her." You know, unless you make her hit you.

Gabrion looks surprised, like he'd maybe expected Tiriana to talk about him. And maybe a little disappointed at Teris's conclusion. But he nods slowly. "Okay," he says. "Maybe I'll just wait and see what happens with the weyrleader, first." That might be safest.

"Probably the best. It can be dangerous to play them against each other if you're not careful," which almost comes out sounding a little teasing. But Teris' thoughts trail off before she picks them back up again. "What is it that you're trying to do?"

"It's not like that," Gabe says seriously, with a shake of his head. "Just K'del didn't know if he could get them to agree. Well, he said I could stand - for the hatching. But what I want to do, is be a healer. Maybe a dragonriding healer, see? I just don't know if the Hall will let me, and he didn't know if he could talk them into it."

"Ah," Teris responds, not sounding terribly worried one way or the other about it. "If you want to be a healer, why not just be a healer, then? Seems simple enough." To her, at least. But then, she has a knot despite her better judgment, too.

"Oh. Well, I want to be an emergency healer," Gabe explains. "With a dragon I could fly to wherever someone is sick or hurt, and that way they don't have to wait for someone to get there on runnerback, or whatever."

"I see. Well, it could certainly have its uses. And since you were nearly a drop out as it is, from what I understand, perhaps they won't really care, hmm?" This is an attempt at being reassuring. Honest. Teris is trying.

"...maybe?" The look on Gabe's face is embarrassed and maybe even a little bit horrified at the idea. "That would be kind of um. Ironic," he concludes. And he moves to end the conversation, abruptly. "Right, well... I better get going. See you later?"

"Oh. Right." Teris pauses in her little stroll so she can see Gabrion off. "Good luck," she offers. "I'll see you plenty, I imagine, if we're both wearing that ugly knot." She waits for him to be off before she continues walking with her klah.

brenoran, !ambulanceman, silarra, !candidacy, teris, xeoshen

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