The Wordy-Durd

Feb 15, 2010 23:06

The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it. ~George Washington

OOC Date: January 31, 2010
IC Date: Day 28, month 11, turn 21 of Interval 10
Who: Gabrion, B'tal, W'chek, Silarra
Where: HRW Living Cavern

Gabe makes the mistake of mentioning the word 'blowjob' to W'chek and B'tal, in front of Silarra. Much awkwardness and inappropriateness ensues.

Gabrion has commandeered most of a middling-sized table near the wall, and is sitting in the toastiest warmest spot of all, with a fireplace immediately behind him. He's got papers spread out all over the place, some of them held down by a klah-pot and a mug and a plate with the desiccated remains of a long-ago-consumed meal stuck to it. And there's another sheaf of papers in his hands, which he's frowning at as he mutters some healer-y sounding words, herbs or disease names or something like that.

Paperwork is terribly exciting stuff, but W'chek as he comes into the living cavern has his attention elsewhere. And not just because he's with his weyrmate. There's food, but neither does that hold more than a cursory attraction, even if he does head towards the serving table. No, better than food, way better than paperwork, there's... complaining. Of course. "It's probably going to snow tomorrow. I'll be stuck getting up for dawn sweeps *and* it'll snow, and I'll freeze to death over Crom more'n likely."

Following along in W'chek's wake, nearly alongside him, B'tal is watching the bronzerider like what he's saying is very interesting. It's likely a practiced thing by now but he's really quite good at it. "Maybe if you tell P'ax that you'll make it worth his while, he'll trade whatever he's doing." Except that maybe whatever he's going to be doing is worse than what W'chek is already assigned to do. "Rather do sweeps than play elevator." He has eyes for the serving tables, especially those big iced sweet rolls toward the end.

Silarra is still on crutches, moving quite smoothly on them by this point as she makes her way in from the inner caverns. She eyes the serving tables for a few seconds, then turns her gaze around the cavern. Her cousin is spotted, and Silarra is off towards Gabrion giving him a smirking smile. "Gabe! Still being a good boy and studying?"

"Aaaaaaa!" Gabe jumps about half a foot into the air. Then he turns around to glower at Silarra. "You startled me," he accuses her. "I lost my place... now I have to start all over." Grump. He reaches for the klah pot to refill his mug, only to find that it's empty except for a few drops, which are cold. Double grump. Pot in hand, he gets to his feet and starts for the serving table to refill it, only remembering halfway there that Silarra might want something she can't carry. "You hungry?" he asks over his shoulder.

"You are aware what P'ax would consider 'worth his while', right?" asks W'chek with a cocked eyebrow as he gets there and finally starts paying enough attention to go for a plate and food. "Yes, well. Zhikath likes sweeps. I don't like having to be up that early. There has to be some benefit to this whole thing. No sheep, no crack of dawn farm life..." He's only getting a few bread rolls and a piece of fruit, though. Then there's klah. And--"Hey, there," to Gabrion. Sort of a smile. Kind of friendly. Almost.

The greenrider grabs for one of the sweet rolls like he's so happy that he got one of them and then he's taking a mug of something hot and not klah before he's moving to continue following along after W'chek. B'tal notes, "Of course I'm aware." This is Bety you're talking to, man. There's no comment for Whit's issues with the whole being a dragonrider thing but he does frown when the bronzerider greets Gabrion and he looks at the boy, then Silarra before glancing off somewhere else entirely.

Silarra hops herself around in a circle to take off after Gabe on her crutches. She makes a silly puppy dog face at him. "I am. And you just love me /so/ much you're itching to carry a plate for me, aren't you?" There's a teasing whine there, seemingly oblivious to Gabrion's grump. The two riders get a curious look and a quick nod before she's looking over the food choices.

"Stuff that involves blowjobs," Gabe says brightly, not shy at all about jumping into W'chek and B'tal's conversation, even if he is coming in right in the middle. "I bet there's some other stuff on the list, too. Clothes, maybe. ...How are you guys doing?" He fills up his klah pitcher, which takes a couple of minutes - big pitcher - and then grabs a plate and heads for the food, though he waits for Silarra to point out what she wants before he starts to fill that up. It doesn't seem to occur to him to introduce his cousin to the two dragonriders; maybe he assumes they already know each other.

"Yeah, stuff that--" That agreement is just automatic, before it registers to W'chek who's standing there, and he shoots a glare at Gabrion. "No. Well. Maybe. Never mind. That's not any of your business." To B'tal, "I really don't need to trade with him. That's all right." And he bites into a roll just to make the point there, chews. Then he looks the girl on crutches over after a moment. "What happened to you?" Pause. "This your girlfriend?" to Gabrion again. Well, it's not the most unreasonable assumption. She's all using l-words and stuff.

B'tal furrows his brows as he glances back toward Gabrion for the comment about blowjobs. "Fine," is what he manages somewhere in there but it's hard to say whether or not that's for Gabe or for W'chek and either way he's looking toward Silarra again, probably wondering the same thing about her relationship to their deal healer, uh, acquaintance.

Silarra looks over to Gabe with a bit of confusion. "Blowjob? What's that?" She asks him softly before she turns to just break out laughing at W'chek. "Girlfriend. Ew. No. I don't even want to think of that." She states with a shake of her head. "He's my cousin. I don't do incest." Silarra adds with a dry tone and a shudder. "And the leg? Took a piece of bowl or starstone or something to it. Should be healed soon. I hope."

The look Gabe flashes at Silarra is somewhere between horrified and deeply embarrassed. "I'll... uh... explain later," he says quickly. "And no. She's my cousin!" JUST IN CASE anyone was unclear on that point after Silarra said so. "Silarra. This is W'chek and B'tal," he gestures at each of them in turn with the plate in his hand.

"Ah! Cousin. Right." W'chek nods along quickly to that, bites his lower lip for a moment, cutting back no doubt some comment as to the nature of the conversation with a young lady present and how--but, no. "I should have seen the, er, family resemblance. Of course. Nice to meet you, Silarra." He elbows B'tal as he gets himself a cup of klah, too--he's not going to go asking Gabrion for any of his for some reason--and says, "S'fine? Right?" For some reason. "Mind if we join you two?"

"Hi," B'tal says shyly to Silarra when Gabrion introduces them all to each other. His gaze shifts toward W'chek for the elbowing but if B'tal knows what the bronzerider is asking about, he doesn't offer any response to suggest as much. He sets his mug down long enough to stab a fork into his roll, then waits for everyone to sort themselves out.

Silarra looks over to Gabe. "Or you could just tell me now." She points out with a smirk. "But fine. I'll bug you about it until you do." Especially with that interesting reaction. "Nice to meet you." She adds to B'tal and W'chek, with a tone more dry than genuine, turning back to point out to Gabe what she wants.

"Shut up or I'll /never/ get you dinner again," Gabe threatens Silarra with narrowed eyes. W'chek's proposal gets a much more friendly reaction. "Sure," he says, "C'mon over. I'll have to move my papers and stuff. And I can't stay long, because I have to study some more tonight, I'm going to the hall for exams the day after tomorrow, only tonight is the last I can study because Syef is MAKING me take tomorrow off to pack and relax, he said I have to or else he'll tell the Masters I was insubordinate, so I can't really study after tonight." He's babbling. "Is this everything you want on your plate, Silarra?"

"Nice. Yes." W'chek at least doesn't seem to be faking that part, as he comes over and sets his own plate down as well. "It's good that you have family so willing to help you out," he tells Silarra, before Gabe's latest occupies his attention--"Oh, exams. Madilla used to always worry about those." Madilla who he's allowed to talk about again! Hopefully. Sort of. "You craft people. Always studying and exams and whatnot. Sure you'll do fine. What is there to worry about?" Despite the lack of what he grabbed for himself, he spends a moment checking out the contents of B'tal's plate, just in case it might hold any better options, but finally he sets about peeling his piece of fruit.

"How can you not know what a blowjob is?" B'tal finally speaks up to ask the girl. It could be that he's trying not to pay overly much attention in general to Gabrion himself or maybe he's just kind of oblivious. He shoots W'chek a look for looking at his plate. He'll defend that sweet roll! But he gets himself settled down. "I miss exams sometimes."

Silarra sticks her tongue out at Gabrion. "Or you and your healer types could just let me walk on this leg already, and no one else would have to get me dinner." She states before shakes her head. "Just that. And I'll steal some of your klah." Fair warning. She turns to take off over to the table looking over to B'tal to shrug. "Because obviously I'm an idiot who knows nothing of life. You going to define it for me?"

"You don't want to do that until it's healed," Gabe says pedantically as he sets down klah pot and plate, and starts clearing papers out of the way so that everyone can eat without spilling on them. "It would hurt." W'chek gets a little roll of the eyes. "Well, if I don't do well on these ones, I'll be out of the craft. I'm still only probationary," he says. He squints at B'tal as though he /might/ just be insane - how can you miss exams? But with a shake of his head, he sits down and pours himself a fresh mug of klah, and steadfastly pretends that blowjobs are not being discussed. Not at this table, nope.

A snort--"You do not, you have Jeibeth now," W'chek tells B'tal as though he somehow knows better than the greenrider does. Before the rest of that registers. "And that's *really* not the sort of thing we should be talking about here. Now. I don't think. You're not an idiot, dear," that last more to Silarra, and then a glare in Gabrion's direction because clearly it's *his* fault all of this is happening. "Well, if you're not any good at it, I guess that makes sense, I wouldn't want you on hand in an emergency if you're stupid." He's so uplifting.

"It's not like Jeibeth is very mentally trying," B'tal returns to his weyrmate with a very slight pout. "I mean, she's smart enough, but she'd rather talk about feelings and who said what to her. Or how whoever looks nice or looks stupid in whatever." And his feelings on that are obviously not 'oh yay!'. "Anyway," he continues, completely ignoring W'chek's comments, "It's when you suck on, well--" There's even a meaningful gesture downward. Ignore the brighter color of his ears now.

Silarra wrinkles her nosw as she looks over to B'tal. "Thanks for actually answering. But that sounds kind of, well, gross." She states before she looks over to W'chek. "Dear? Get to know me and see if you'll still use that term." Silarra jokes digging into her food. "You've been studying way too much. If you keep doing it, your head will explode and you'll die and your mom will cry forever." Gabe is informed. "And it's been like six weeks. It's not like I just did it." Whine, whine.

Gabrion bristles. "Who said I'm not good at it?" he demands of W'chek with a frown. "I'm going to kick these exams' ass." Still no comment about the blowjobs. None at all. "If you start walking on it too soon it won't finish healing," he scolds Silarra. "When is your next appointment?"

A thwack of a hand hitting B'tal's shoulder--"Hush," W'chek says, brows furrowing. "She doesn't need to--*none* of us need to talk about that at a dining table in the middle of the living cavern, okay?" Whatever Silarra does or doesn't need to do, clearly this is all B'tal's fault from the glare in that direction. Then he finally gets that fruit peeled and sectioned and starts in on it, still chewing as he says, "Well, then. You shouldn't be so worried if you're going to do okay. I don't understand what the problem is, Gabe."

Flinching slightly at the hand that hits his shoulder, B'tal gives the bronzerider an indignant look and shifts a leg to kick back at him. Gently. Under the table and out of sight. "She /asked/. She should know anyway. It's not like I'm asking her to give me one." The last is more of a grumble than anything else under his breath and the greenrider goes about focusing his attention on his sweet roll, cutting out a piece with the side of his fork then stuffing it into his mouth.

Silarra wrinkles her nose. "No. Because I do not want your, that, in my mouth. Thanks." She states before she looks over to Gabe with a sigh. "Had one yesterday. They said it'd be about two more weeks. Which totally sucks." Yes, she's to the whiney stage about it. "Why shouldn't we talk about it here? How is here worse than another spot?" Silarra directs towards W'chek, digging into her food.

"Hey!" Gabrion says, sharply enough that people at the next table look over in surprise. He lowers his voice. "If you don't mind. You could be more polite to my cousin," he says, glaring at B'tal, with a huff for added emphasis. "Shells on a stick, for once W'chek has a point, what is it with you people? Didn't your moms tell you that you don't discuss stuff like this at the dinner table?"

"That--" Poor W'chek. This isn't the sort of conversation he's ready to be having at his age. Still, he does his best, calmly telling Silara, "It's not just the spot. That's not something people talk about in public. It's something people talk about in private. With... the ones they care about a lot." Hopefully there won't have to be birds and bees involved here, since Pern lacks bees. "*You*," he tells B'tal, not quite so sharply this time, "don't have to be the one to explain it personally." There. Are we set now? "Can we talk about something else?"

B'tal ducks his head slightly and looks properly chastised between Gabrion and the slightly nicer W'chek. He keeps his gaze down and picks at his roll in any case, apparently having no other opinions on what they can all talk about. Certainly no comments on his parents are offered up.

"At least /he/ was willing to answer my question." W'chek is informed. Silarra pokes at a vegetable on her plate. "And /you/ know my mother." She points out to Gabrion. "You know her version of things. You just don't discuss this stuff. So then I look like an idiot when you go off using words I don't know and aren't supposed to find the meaning to." Hmph.

"I didn't say you don't discuss it!" Gabe scolds Silarra, frowning deeply. "I said you don't discuss it at /dinner/. There's a difference." He looks at W'chek. "Have you talked to any of those convicts?" he asks. See: subject change.

Subject change, oh, this is so much better. "I've *seen* them," says W'chek, like this is the same thing. "I think that's about as far as I want to go where they're concerned. I can't really believe they're willing to expose us all to thsoe sorts of risks just for cheap labor, or whatever this is. It doesn't feel safe. Especially not with women and children around. I don't like it." He twists up his mouth. "I don't like it," he repeats for emphasis, then sets back to picking up his klah mug for a drink.

"There are some cute ones," B'tal notes absently rather than entirely committing himself to their conversation while he pulls bits off of his roll with his fork to eat. "Wish it was warmer out so they didn't have to wear so much, though."

Silarra looks over to Gabe. "I've talked to a few of them. Most I wouldn't care to talk to again. There's this one guy that's pretty nice though. Carried my plate for me, offered himself." Silarra states with a shrug.

"That guy Brenoran is totally hot," Gabe agrees enthusiastically with B'tal. "But that fellow who calls himself Chauncey. They can chuck him in the lake for all of me. Wash out his mouth some, maybe - he was saying some stuff about Madilla that I didn't care for." He gives a haughty sniff. "You best be careful, Silarra. W'chek is right, not all of 'em are nice guys."

This, W'chek's face says oh-so-plainly, is not an improvement as conversations go. "I really don't think it's necessary for anybody to be--looking--like that," he manages to say, voice slightly choked. This is not going particularly well for him. At least he managed to put the cup down first. "No. I don't think they're appropriate company at all for a young lady. And I think, with that, that we ought to be going." Regardless of what B'tal thinks of the matter; the bronzerider has a hold of the greenrider's sleeve as he stands up.

Before he can be dragged up or off or anything, B'tal makes a grab for his roll with his bare hands because he's not leaving it behind, by golly. "Haven't /talked/ to them," he says a little defensively to the bronzerider that says it's time to go. "Brenoran and Chauncey," he puts those two to mind, though. Poor W'chek. "Chauncey sounds like a dick." Oh, right, there's a girl. He doesn't fix that, though.

Silarra looks over to Gabe. "Brenoran. That's the nice one. Chauncey. I think that's the guy that was being totally annoying the other day." Her plate is scraped clean, and the girl stands, grabbing her crutches. "I'm careful. I've never been alone with any of them, or talked even to Brenoran when there wasn't a guard in the room." She points out. "Anyway. I'm off to find a cozy bed. Don't make your head explode, Gabe."

"He pretty much is," Gabe concurs. "Yeah. Well. Be careful anyway, Silarra. I'll see you guys later. Hey, are you both working the day after tomorrow?" he asks B'tal and W'chek. "Cause I need to find someone to give me a ride to Healer Hall." Apparently with all the studying he's been doing, that tiny detail managed to slip his mind.

"You're just remembering their names?" W'chek keeps his voice down, practically a hiss. Not a happy bronzerider, no. Not especially. There's an edge of weariness to it, however. "Night," almost a forgotten aside towards Silarra, busy thinking about this other proposition. "Out all day, day after next. I think. Less my schedule gets changed or something." He pauses. "Don't think Bety is."

B'tal glances at W'chek with a flickered smile for his tone of voice and he moves closer to wrap an arm around him as though to be reassuring or something. And be damned if there are any Glacier riders keeping tabs on the pair of them. "I should be able to get you over there if you need it," B'tal says, sounding like he's not sure whether that's actually a good thing or not. "Jeibeth likes it out that way anyhow."

Silarra rolls her eyes over to Gabe. "Not a little kid. I'll skewer one with a crutch if they try anthing." She might be small, but she's not weak. "Anyway, it was nice to meet you." Silarra aims towards the riders. "And good luck on the tests if I don't see you tomorrow." Gabe gets a quick smile before she turns and heads out.

"Okay.. well.. if not, I bet P'ax'd probably do it," Gabe says, made uncertain by B'tal's uncertainty. He sticks his tongue out at Silarra, and waves to all three of them, and goes back to shuffling his papers around and frowning at them. "Be glad when these stupid exams are over," he mutters to himself.

"'Course he can," W'chek not having any such uncertainty. "Be fine. Sure. You'll do great, huh?" Not that he's released his hold on B'tal's shirt. Just... making sure the greenrider doesn't go getting distracted. Somebody could go letting the convicts in here, after all, right? Lots of distractions. "C'mon. I gotta be up too early, anyway." And with that, not really to either of the other young men, he starts for the exit.

The greenrider's face falls a little at the mention of the other and B'tal might even look a tiny bit hurt. But he doesn't open his mouth to say anything else, just nods his head slightly at what W'chek says for him and then lets himself get pulled along with the bronzerider with his sweet roll still clutched safely in his off hand. "We don't have to /sleep/ right away, do we?" he's asking as they head off.

Gabrion looks up for long enough to watch the two go, with a mystified expression. Then he shrugs, and goes back to his papers.

silarra, b'tal, $p'ax, !exams, $brenoran, w'chek, $npc-jess, $madilla, $chauncey

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