The New Guy

Feb 06, 2010 20:56

There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. People should be very free with sex, they should draw the line at goats. ~Elton John

OOC Date: January 24, 2010
IC Date: Day 7, month 11, turn 21 of Interval 10
Who: Gabrion, K'del, Markus, Milani
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr

Gabrion meets another newcomer, Markus, who seems to have an interesting conception of what it is to live at a weyr.

K'del and Markus are /finally/ actually at the serving tables, after a long wait in a long line; the bronzerider pauses at something the younger man says, and laughs. "Strange, isn't it? All the misinformation. Seems a bit dumb, actually... causes more problems than it should. People being nervous about the weyr, or whatever. Wish I could do something about it." He gets back to scooping mashed potato onto his plate after a few moments more, then adds, "Your father is a dragonrider, then? That part of the reason you're here?"

"Yes sir, he rode a blue from Nabol Hold though I've never met him but I don't think it has much to do with why I'm here. I guess that the unknown of the Weyr attracted me, and maybe mum's stories added to that since it sounded as if Dragonriders were people you could trust and respect." Markus looks at the various vegetables with little interest wanting something more substantial in his stomach like meat! "If I'd have believed even a third of what I'd been told you'd not have caught me within leagues of a weyr since I'd have been frightened to death of what happened there."

Gabrion grimaces when he sees the line and shakes his head. The idea of waiting does not appeal to him at this moment. Instead, he waits for a gap while someone slow is filling a plate, and cuts in at the klah part of the line to fill up a mug and adding some sweetener. He's in and out before the gap closes, with no more than dirty look from someone who was trapped behind the slowpoke. He stands there, hands wrapped around the mug, and looks for a place to sit. As K'del and Markus draw nearer, he overhears part of their conversation and turns to look with a friendly smile and a curious look for the newcomer.

"It will be an adventure if nothing else and I'll be able to say without lying what it is to live in a weyr as well as putting the lie to the stories the Aunties and Uncles seem to enjoy telling to the Hold children. Sides maybe I'll meet some pretty woman here, one that is in my league though I'll not be holding my breath on that count." Markus notes the Healer and gives a small bow, "Good day sir, I'm Markus from High Reaches Hold come to see if all the tales I've heard are true or not. So far they appear to be nothing but the ramblings of oldsters with nothing better to do." Then looking around he tries to spot a place to sit, somewhere where theres a chair to perch on or stool if that is all that is available.

"Hi, weyrleader," Gabe says, flashing a grin at K'del. "How's it going?" Markus's introduction gets a laugh and another curious look. "I guess it depends on what kind of tales you've heard. I'm Gabe. Healer apprentice. Born and raised here, though. What do they say about us up at the hold, then?"

"Markus," intones K'del, but not without a smile, "likes to talk a lot, we've discovered." His head bobs lazily towards Gabrion to confirm the greeting, as he shifts his plate from one hand to the other, then says, "Mind if I leave the two of you to get to know each other? Promised dinner with someone." And whoever that someone is, they're evidently waiting for him across the other side of the cavern. "Was a pleasure to meet you, Markus."

Markus salutes K'del, "The pleasure was mine sir, it was good to meet you and I look forward to learning more about the Weyr as time goes on." He turns to Gabrion "I don't really know much about the weyr, just the stories told by the aunties and uncles. Things like orgies going on all the time, people being fed to the dragons, riders running naked through the bowls, you know normal things."

"Oh... sure," Gabe says to K'del, shrugging his shoulders. "Have a good one, then." He looks back to Markus, squinting at him as though not quite sure what to make of what he's said. "So, your aunties and uncles tell stories like /that/? I guess - well - ours tell stories that are a lot more, uh. Tame?"

"I'm sure you'll learn plenty," promises K'del, easily, as he bobs his head towards both, and turns to head off through the caverns towards a quieter table for two.

Markus laughs, "Well you have to remember they are not exactly of sound mind and they do try to scare the children into behaving themselves so they make the stories as scary as possible. You know the kind 'be good or the dragon riders will feed you to their dragons' kind of thing. But it caused me to want to know if they knew what they were talking about if you know what I mean?"

"Well yeah, but telling little kids about orgies is a bit much, isn't it?" Gabe points out. "I mean, if our aunties did that, I think someone would - do something about it. But I guess I can see your point. If I heard there were orgies up at the hold, I'd probably want to pay a visit myself, just in case." He grins broadly. "Hate to disappoint you though. But they're not really - I mean, /I've/ never been in one, and I've lived here all my life. Maybe they just don't invite you until you're sixteen," he jokes with a smirk. "C'mon, let's get a place to sit." He spots a table with a few free places, and starts toward it.

Markus turns and follows Gabrion, "well I was kind of hoping that there might be a bit of truth to the orgies part of the tales but not the feeding to the dragons part and the running through the bowls naked would depend on who is doing the running." Weaving in and out of the crowd he avoids bumping into anyone as much as possible though the crowd makes it challenging. "What is it like to be brought up here, I bet you it is a lot different than what I went through at the Hold."

At that table they're heading for: one headwoman with her abacus and the remains of her meal still littering her plate. Also, one sleeping infant curled up in the sling wrappd around her shoulders and chest. Milani looks up, pencil tapping lightly against the paper in fron of her, a slight frown caught between her brows, smoothing as she spots Gabrion and his companion. The healer apprentice gets a little wave, the new guy a curious look. "Hello there!" she calls out as they get near enough.

"Completely logical," Gabe says through silent laughter. "I can't say I've ever witnessed bowl-streaking or dragon-feeding, at least not of humans, either. Uh. I guess it is probably different, but since I wasn't brought up at a hold, I couldn't tell you much about how. Other than holders tend to have issues with folks being gay, and here at the weyr nobody much cares, unless they came from a hold or something." He smiles at Milani as he sets his klah down. "Markus, you meet the Headwoman yet? This is Milani. If you need a room or something, she can get you hooked up. How's the baby doing?" he asks Milani.

"Well met Ma'am, and no I've not met her till now. Well I suppose you can't have everything Gabrion, though I really hoped that there was some truth to the orgies." Markus then turns his attention to the headwoman, "I've just arrived from High Reaches Hold Ma'am, looking for work and willing to do what ever is needed of me. I can't say as I've met anyone that is gay, and you're right they are not tolerated at the Hold and I doubt they ever will be from what I've seen; not that there are no gays at the hold just that they don't announce themselves and tend to leave as soon as is possible." A shrug is given, "Well I'm hold born and I'd like to think I'm not that closed minded, its not something I'm interested in but as long as they don't try to force themselves on me I have no issue with gays."

"Oh she's good, sleeping," Milani notes with a little duck of her head towards baby-in-sling and she shifts a little so she can hold a hand across the table toward Markus. "Well met, Markus. And hmmm, looking for work and willing. Well, we do need a lot of help with cleaning up after all that mess with the meteorites. But I don't know how you'd feel about working alongside convicts. We can use some extra hands in Stores right now too, all the tithes are being organized and put away." A breath taken. "I think you'll find most of the Weyrfolk very ... polite," Millie notes for his reaction about sexuality.

Gabrion gives Markus a sour look. "Well, you have now," he says bluntly. "But don't worry, I have no intention of /forcing myself/ on you." He picks up his klah and gets to his feet. "My brother's over there, and I need to talk to him," he says. "I'll leave you to it... see you later, Milani." Off he goes.

Markus looks to Gabrion and slowly nods his head, "Its not as if I had a worry about anyone, but given the attitude surrounding me as I grew up there is I must admit a bit of unease there." Turning back to Milani he shakes his head, "No I have no problem working with anyone, and I'm more than willing to pitch in to help in the clean up. How much of a mess was done, I'd heard about it at the hold and on the way here but had no idea what had been damaged or destroyed." A wave and salute is given to Gabrion as he leaves to join his brother.

"Have a good afternoon then, Gabrion and say hello to your brother for me," Milani says with a little smile and re-focuses on Markus. "Well then, I'll put you on the work list," the headwoman says, flipping over to another paper and makes a note. "And also for Stores. That sound all right? Also, you'll need someplace to sleep, but things are a little crowded right now, so you're looking at sharing with at least three or four other people."

markus, milani, k'del

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