The Secret Plot

Jan 29, 2010 20:53

The most dangerous untruths are truths moderately distorted. ~Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

OOC Date: January 19, 2010
IC Date: Day 20, month 10, turn 21 of Interval 10
Who: Gabrion, Gevran
Where: Infirmary, HRW

Gevran comes by the infirmary with some dinner for his twin, and they talk. Gabe broaches the idea of Gevran claiming responsibility for Jess's child.

It's Gabrion's turn to man the front desk at the infirmary. With the state of things, every cubicle full and a few patients sharing, that's preferable to just about any of the many many tasks that need doing. But he still looks wiped. He's got a record in front of him that he's probably supposed to be reading, but instead he's staring off into space with his chin resting on his hands.

He's usually up this late, but it's very rarely to do something useful. But tonight is the exception. Gevran slips into the infirmary, arms loaded, and heads quickly to the desk. There's a glance spared for the patients, a grim look taking over the young man's face, but he doesn't let his eyes linger. Privacy. "Hey," he calls as he gets closer, to gain his brother's attention. "Thought you might want something." A plate of food and a mug of klah, still steaming.

Gabrion looks up, ready to be annoyed by Yet One More Person Who Wants Something. Instead, it's someone bringing him something. He looks stunned, then delighted. "Hey, Gev! Wow, that's awesome. Thank you. And it's even hot. You're the best." He grins broadly. "You wanna pull up a chair, hang out for a bit? Things should be kind of quiet till shift change."

A more usual grin splits Gevran's face, and he nods his head in acceptance. "Sounds good. Got nowhere else to be." He takes a quick glance around, grabs the first empty chair he sees and hauls it over. He turns it around backwards and sits, elbows crossed over the back of the chair. Another glance is given to the infirmary. "How're you holding up?"

"Pretty good," Gabe says. "I kinda wish I could twin myself four or five more times, and make 'em all be healers, though." He grins playfully and reaches for the plate, spinning it around to pluck up the dessert pastry first. "You sure you don't want to join the craft?" he teases his brother.

Gevran snorts. "Right now? With all this?" and he gives a head-bob to indicate the patients, though the gesture is needless. "No thanks. Baggy eyes isn't really a good look for me." But he sobers some, his half-grin fading fast. "Wish there were more of 'em for you, though. You're looking... well. Bad," he says honestly. He pulls at his lower lip idly, out of habit. "Who'd'a thought some rocks from the sky would cause so much trouble?"

"I know, right?" Gabe says, making a face. "I still can't believe they actually /fell/ on us. It was just supposed to be a bunch of pretty lights. I'm glad you didn't get hit, it was bad enough having to patch up Silarra. I think I would have lost it if you'd wound up in here."

"Yeah, heard it was something," sighs Gevran. "Glad she's OK, though. And you. Imagine if you'd been hit? That would've sucked big time." Understatement of the Turn. "Still. Who gets to say they've been hit by a rock from the sky? At least, you know, the ones that made it, it'll really be a story someday."

"I guess I... wouldn't have been able to help any of the other people who got hurt, then," Gabe says uneasily. "But I almost wish it had been me and not her, you know? I just - wish I could /do/ something more than just, you know. But bones heal slow, and that's just how it is." He shrugs. "Yeah... some story. I'm kind of surprised Ma didn't pass out when she heard we were all out in that."

Gevran has to crack a grin at the mental image of their mother's face. "Seriously. We'll be lucky if she lets us outside. I can hear it now. 'Absolutely not! What if something fell from the sky?'" he mimes, imitating her voice as best he can. He even adds dramatic flair, pressing the back of his hand over his forehead. "But don't beat yourself up 'bout things, kay? Like you said, bones heal slow. S'just how it is. All you can do is keep 'em comfortable." He reaches over and plucks something from Gabe's plate and pops it into his mouth. "How's Jess?"

Gabrion can't help but double over in laughter at Gevran's imitation of their mother. It takes him a moment to recover. "I know what you mean. I just feel bad about it. It's - really rough having people I care about in here as patients. I guess there's a reason why they don't let you heal family members, usually." At the question about Jess, Gabe makes a face and takes a long drink of klah. He sets his mug down and sighs. "She's gonna be showing any day now. She - I explained how it was and she's agreed she's not gonna, you know, talk about whose the baby is but... I feel like people are gonna figure it out. P'ax thinks I should talk her into saying it's really someone else's." He looks dubious about this idea.

"Sucks," decides Gev, chewing slowly, sympathetic. But there's curiosity there as well, and he spends a few thoughtful moments just chewing. "I gotta say, I don't get it Gabe. You've got me really confused, you know that?" Another reach over for something from the plate, this time a roll. Just who's dinner is it, anyway? P'ax gets a sneer. "What's she think about that? Saying it was someone elses baby?"

Gabrion doesn't seem to care. He's still eating steadily. After all, if he runs out, he can send Gev back out for more, and what's he gonna do, say no? "I haven't really suggested it. I mean, she /might/ go for it, I don't know. The thing is, Journeyman Delifa said I have to take responsibility. She's not going to rat me out to the hall, but she expects me to - you know. I don't want to get on her bad side. I can't afford to." He swirls some bread around in the gravy on the plate. "What's so confusing?" he asks.

"But if you admit it's your kid," muses Gevran aloud, "They'll kick you out?" His eyes roll, and he sighs deeply. "And ya wonder why I don't go for crafts? Too darn confusing!" The roll is picked apart carefully, small chunks put on his tongue to mostly dissolve. It's a fidgety thing, rather than a food-eating thing. "You. First you like girls, then you like guys, now you like girls again. I can't keep up."

Gabrion shrugs. "P'ax sleeps with guys and girls both," he says by way of self-justification. "It's not like you have to just do one or the other." There's a pause while he pokes at the food on the plate, and then he says, "It's not that simple. With the craft. I mean, if the masters back at the hall knew, they'd kick me out for almost sure. Ninety-nine percent chance. But Madilla and Delifa know. They're just not telling. See? So - I mean, it /is/ pretty stupid, but that's basically what Delifa said. I have to claim the kid, but just not TOO much. Hah."

Gevran levels a look at Gabrion. "P'ax, right, OK." And gives up. He shrugs his shoulders, pulls another chunk from the roll, chews. "Mkay, so... how does that work? You tell people it's your kid, but you tell them to keep quiet about it?" he muses. "Or does she just mean, you know, take care of it or whatever?" This baby stuff is clearly over his head. "You've already claimed it, cause you've admitted it's yours, right?" An eyebrow is lifted.

Gabrion shushes Gevran and looks over his shoulder. He's relieved to see that no one is coming after all. "Kind of. But she doesn't have to tell everyone who the dad is, that's what I mean. Some people don't, you know? They just keep quiet about it. You know, a couple other people know, that's it. I'm not even telling Ma and Pops." He drinks down the last of the klah and pushes the mug to one side. "You got some kind of problem with P'ax?"
"Well, I don't exactly blame you for that," says Gevran with a snort. "She'd definitely faint." The roll is demolished, and Gevran brushes his hands off with a tired sigh. "Yeah, he's a jerk," he says while avoiding Gabe's eyes. "He's got a reputation, you know? Plus, he's just kinda... well, he's a jerk."

"Sometimes," Gabe says quietly. "But he can be a really good friend, too. He has been. For me." He sighs and leans back in his chair. "What do you think? Should I try and talk her into it? Saying it's someone else?"

Gevran's lips purse, but he says no more on the matter. His expression is clear enough as it is; he doesn't buy it. He shrugs. "That's your call," he says honestly. "How would you feel, if she did? I mean, would you feel guilty?" At least his voice has dropped to an appropriate level for confidential conversations.

"I'd... I dunno. It doesn't have to stop me from... being a friend to her when she needs it, and stuff. And you know, one day when I'm a journeyman, or - well, one day it won't matter as much, and then, you know, we could tell the truth," Gabe concludes. "But I just - I dunno. I don't want to piss off Delifa."

"True," admits Gev with a shrug. "It'd just be one of those 'official' things," and he does the air-quotes quickly. "On record, not, you know... whatever." Cause apparently he doesn't know the other option. Shrug. "If she's that scary, then don't. But seems to me... I dunno. Depends on what you want, I guess. And how likely it is the Hall will find out, right? I mean, if it was /me/," says Gevran seriously, "I don't think one unclaimed baby is worth my career. And like you said, you can always claim him later. Or her. Or whatever."

"Yeah. I dunno. Maybe I'll talk to her about it." Gabe grins at Gevran, and asks, trying to be casual about it, "You want to be a dad?"

Eyes roll. "This is serious, Gabe." Gevran stops playing, crosses his arms, and rests his chin on them. "Or, wait, are you actually asking?"

Gabrion shrugs his shoulders. "I dunno what she'll say, but... if she's up for it... maybe?"

"Ah-," and Gevran's cheeks puff out with an unexhaled breath. "Oh. Shit. Uh," and he rubs his hands over his face, before raking them through his hair. His frown is deep, but thoughtful. A heavy sigh and finally, "Yeah, sure, OK. I'd do it for you," he decides at last, as if he's come to some great conclusion about something. "But ya know, only if she's... if she's OK with it."

"Right," Gabe says. "I'm not gonna try and make her do something she's not OK with. Though honestly... well, think about it, okay? I won't talk to her right away. That was if you change your mind... you know. Because some people find her kind of annoying, honestly."

"Some people find you annoying, too," counters Gevran, whether it's true or not, "But I still put up with you. S'not like I'd /actually/ have to kiss her or anything, right?" Right? He runs his fingers through his hair again, but says seriously, "I'd do it." And promptly reaches over to grab something from Gabrion's plate.
Gabrion laughs. "I dunno, that'd be between you and her," he says with a smirk. "You're welcome to for all of me, maybe it would get her off my case a little."

Gevran's eyebrows lift. "Thought you liked her? Or is it just cause of the whole... baby thing." He toys with the pastry before stuffing most of it into his mouth, chewing quickly. Fingers brushed. "Ask," he says around a mouthful. "Soon. Before she starts showing," is his advice.

"She's okay, she's just kind of.. eh. I dunno." Gabe decides to be nice. "Yeah," he agrees. "I'll ask her soon."

There's a brief look of indecision on Gevran's face, likely wondering what he just got himself into, but he sticks to his decision. "Good. Then I'm going to bed. *People* expect me to be up early tomorrow, to help clear some of the debris. If I find a meteorite, I'm going to snag it." He stands and stretches before turning the chair to rights.

Gabrion laughs. "Alright, I'll catch you later Gev. Thanks for bringing the food," he says with a smile, and he stands up and walks around the desk so he can aim an affectionate punch at his brother's shoulder.

Gevran just rolls his eyes, even if his smirk is a bit on the affectionate side. "Don't work too hard," he orders. "Wouldn't want you to pass out. It'd look bad." He takes a quick look at the dinner plate, but decides to leave it, heading out of the infirmary with his hands in his pockets.

!pregnancy, gevran, !healer, $p'ax, !family

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