The Busybody

Dec 31, 2009 01:31

If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere. ~Marilyn Monroe

OOC Date: December 23, 2009
IC Date: Day 23, month 7, turn 21 of Interval 10.
Who: Gabrion, Ebeny, Quevonne, Jess (NPC)
Where: Lake Shore

Walking by the lake with Jess, Gabe bumps into Ebeny, which is nice, and Quevonne, which is... not so great, as it turns out. They don't exactly hit it off.

"There's that," Ebeny agrees, though she interrupts wherever she means to go with that with, "Back in here?" nodding between decent bandages and the basket. "Would there be thoughts of you marrying again as soon as you went home? Or would there be some time? To think or... come back here if you chose. If you'd be allowed. Is that how it works? That you could choose to stay whilst you're here, but maybe not choose to return?" The greenrider and Quevonne are sat some way from the water, the latter on a rock, former on the sand, with a basket's worth of clean bandages sorted between them.

"Um, yes," Quevonne decides, and deposits her handfuls into it before offering it to the greenrider to fill. Meanwhile, "I don't think 'as soon' as I went home, but within a turn or two, probably. Assuming someone makes an offer, of course. I could just end up the unmarried auntie in someone else's holding." The thought brings a grimace, but her voice remains even. "If I was going to choose, then yes, it would probably be safer for me to choose here. I don't have to worry about upsetting anyone, or jogging elbows while I'm here."

Gabrion approaches from the water's edge, walking hand in hand with a girl - probably his rumored girlfriend. She's blonde and has a substantial bosom. He notices the pair on the rock and waves, says something to his companion, and then draws her closer for a greeting. "Hi, Ebeny," he says. He doesn't know Quevonne, but he smiles at her anyway. "Have you guys met? This is Jess. Ebeny's a greenrider, her dragon is Laurienth," he says to Jess.

"A turn or two..." Ebeny echoes quietly, eyes distant once again. "I think you should stay," she decides. "I like you." It's almost childlike, the way she states that, accompanied by a little nod. She looks up then, even as she sets neat rolls down in the basket and goes reaching after folded not-so-acceptable cloth. "Hello, Gabrion," she greets when her gaze finds the apprentice and the young woman at his side. "And well met, Jess." Smiling over at Quevonne, she continues, "Quevonne, this is Gabrion, a healer apprentice, and I'm afraid Jess and I have only just met."

Quevonne says, "I'll keep it in mind," with muffled amusement. "Definitely to go into the 'stay' column: Ebeny likes me." Her eyes flick past to the teens, and she gives them both pleasant nods. "Good afternoon, Gabrion, Jess. I'm Quevonne. Are you both apprenticed to the healers, then? Or...," guessing now, "Are you related?"

"No, she's my, uh, my - uh," Gabrion stammers, and Jess looks amused. "Your girlfriend?" she supplies with a giggle. "Right," Gabrion says, his face heating with a blush. "She works in the kitchens." Jess nods; she does not seem put out at having him speak for her. In fact, she gives him a sickly sweet adoring look. "Nice to meet you, Quevonne," Gabe manages to say through his embarrassment. "Uh... how's it going?"

"It's important," Ebeny teases, flashing a grin Quevonne's way. The damaged cloth gets tucked close to the rim of the basket, an obvious distinction between good and bad. Peering between Gabrion and Jess, she only observes the two for a few seconds, not long enough for her silence to be rude, but perhaps a duration in which to be caught staring. "Oh. Well, I hope you're enjoying the sun together and-" Whatever she means to say, she doesn't quite get there and stares off down the shore. "...If you'll all excuse me, Laurienth has decided that the lake is not as good as the ocean and won't do as a substitute." The greenrider pushes herself to her feet and offers over a last smile and a wave. "Clear skies!" Boots are snatched up from a few feet away and then she's off sharpish after her errant green.

"That's very nice," Quevonne says in the tone of voice one uses to praise a five-year-old's drawings. "Maybe I'll see you in the kitchens sometimes, Jess - I work there every so often. I don't suppose," she adds to Gabrion, but breaks off to wave a farewell to Ebeny, and tack an awkward, "Clear skies," on the end. After a moment, once the rolled bandages are replaced into the basket, she tries again. "I don't suppose you're here to collect these, then?"

"Collect...? Oh, are those for the infirmary?" Gabe asks, blinking at the bandages. "I can. Sure. If you want." Jess just kind of tugs on his arm and giggles. He gives her a look that might be described as pained. Or maybe it's just indigestion. "So uh, you work in the kitchen," he says to Quevonne, trying to make conversation.

At Jess' giggle one side of Quevonne's mouth twitches in something that could as easily be pain as a smile. "Thank you," she says instead to Gabrion. "If you're heading that way, that would be very nice. I do work there sometimes, but primarily I help my brother and his wife with their children. When Sygrid doesn't need me I find something else to do." Case in point, the basket of bandages. "Oh! I don't suppose you could tell me - the ones that are torn or snagged. Should I mend them, or are they used for something else?"

"If you can mend them, it's handy," Gabe says matter-of-factly. "Sometimes they're past mending. In that case we use them for cleaning, or things like that. So either way, they're useful." Jess hangs on his every word as though he were dispensing the secret to life, the universe, and everything. After he's done speaking though, she proves herself capable of polite conversation, at least minimally: "Who's your brother?" she asks Quevonne.

"There's nothing that bad," Quevonne decides with a nod, and makes short work of replacing all the bandages back into the basket. They take up less space, rolled, and the division between the two sets remains obvious. "I'll take them myself, then, and I'll ask whoever's on duty if they want me to fix them, or if someone else will do it. Unless you think we should do it now?" To Jess, very kindly, "His name is Vincent. He works with the tanners. Do you have family here?"

"My mum," Jess answers. "She's in the kitchens, too. Vincent. I know who he is! He's cute," she says, and giggles. Gabe glances at her briefly, and says, "I don't think I've met him. But yeah, thanks, then. Always good to have more bandages. We appreciate the work." He gives Quevonne a polite tilt of his head.

"He's my brother," Quevonne repeats, bemused, unqualified to tell if said relative is 'cute'. "Is that your mother over there? Waving?" She levels a finger at one of the tunnel entrances, letting Jess decide for herself if that really is her maternal parent. To Gabrion, "It's good to have the work."

Jess shades her eyes and squints. "Ooooh, it /is/. I bet she wants me to finish the washing up. See you later, Gabe!" she says brightly, and disentangles her arm and leans over to kiss his cheek. Then, with a wave to Quevonne, she scampers off. Gabrion looks a shade relieved; he smiles again. "Yeah. Work is good, I guess. Better than doing nothing, right?" he says.

A flicker of Quevonne's fingers sends Jess off; once she's gone the woman is silent for a moment, freeing her skirts from under her legs and smoothing them down decorously over her calves and ankles. Only once that's done does she look up again. "Quite. Excuse my nosiness, Gabrion, but... aren't you rather young to have a girlfriend? And I understood apprentices weren't allowed them, any way."

Gabrion sighs. He may know he doesn't look his age, but it does wear on him to correct people all the time. "I'm fifteen," he says. "And no. There's no rule like that. You can't have babies and stuff, but you can have a girlfriend. Back at the healer hall people were always going together and breaking up and all that." He shrugs, and looks a bit grumpy.

Quevonne says, "Ah," and, "My apologies. You don't look that old. Which I'm sure you've heard," she adds, with a further moue. "Well, so long as you aren't breaking any rules, what you do is hardly any of my business. Have you been posted to the Weyr long?"

"So like, it would be your business if I was breaking rules?" Gabe asks pointedly. "You /are/ nosy, aren't you. I was born here. So no, I haven't been posted here long, but I've lived here most of my life. Never seen you before, though," he observes.

"My goodness, you certainly have a mouth on you," Quevonne says, in the same tone of voice one uses to note the weather. Gathering up basket and skirt she manages her feet without a bobble, shakes out the latter and offers a thin smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do. It was very nice meeting you, Apprentice."

"You were the one threatening to tattle on people," Gabe points out. "Nice meeting you, too. I'll be sure not to break any rules in your presence, going forward." He's a smartass, yes. With a big fake grin and a wave, he heads off, back toward the weyr.

quevonne, eben, npc-jess

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