Sep 12, 2005 13:39
As he sits and stares he wonders... should he have ever kissed her? Has he given her false hopes? Has he indeed bit off more than he can chew? This is not the one he spoke of... this is not the one that has been on his heart lately........ is he lonely? His attraction is honest, but are his motives well meant?
He wonders to himself silently as he lights another cigarette, knowing it's his last one. Was it the alcohol? Is this man an idiot? Would she honestly see Gabriel? Would he let Gabriel out? Or would she see Salem? Who would come out the next time they meet? The ever-broken Prophet, or the Love-Lorn man looking for a fix....
Gabriel cannot come out this time. If Gabriel comes out it may be an action he will regret. Though the man did tell her she may see him in time. Giving her the obvious hint. Will he allow Gabriel out? Could Gabriel come out? Are the circumstances right? Are his motives more than just sexual? He must pray...
"Salem, it is time to come out." he says in earnest, knowing Salem will pray and meditate on this.
"Yes sir. Gabriel would not find the right or suitable/logical answer. Gabriel would rush to a conclusion. And Jackal..... let him stay dormant." Salem speaks, "It is alright sir... I will take over for as long as you need. We will pray."
Salem prays, they pray... for hours. This will take some time.
"I must sort out my feelings, Salem must take over. I need logic and God to help me through this, and my emotions cannot rule me as I would let them, or as Gabriel would." He says, as Salem prays in silence.
Salem nods, and assures him with soft eyes. Salem will ignore his own brokeness for the will of Him. His need is greater, and what he needs, Salem needs also, as does Gabriel, and even Jackal......
Control has shifted. He is dormant. Salem is here now, and he lies in wait for an answer.
"Please God, I pray of you.... let me find an answer for this. I need it. We need it." Salem prays. His eyes slowly get heavier.... he shifts in the chair to keep awake, but he knows the body must rest.
"Sir?" Salem searches.
"Yes Salem?...." He replies.
"We must sleep. Work tonight. I will keep praying as we sleep." Salem reassures him.
"Yeah, sounds good. Thank you Salem.. for everything. For being here when I cannot meet the challenge that lies ahead. God shall pull us through." He says, retreating.
"Yes, God shall indeed. You sound more like me every time this happens, sir." Salem smirks.
"Remember Salem, we are one and the same. When it all boils down, only one being exists. We all have our place. I am just the main, because I am the best suited. You are too theological and depressing - no offense."
"None taken, sir."
"And Gabriel... well... let's just say he's behind getting us into this problem. He used the line in a moment of weakness from what I can tell... somedays, he is such a bastard."
"I cannot disagree with his... audacity sir, but I must ask you to refrain from making judgements. I haven't been given long enough to form a true opinion, though it is looking that way. Of course, you polishing off that 5th of Whiskey didn't help much matters, sir. As you said 'I'm tanked', if I remember correctly."
"..... touche Salem. But now we sleep. Gabriel." The last word more firm and commanding.
"Wha....*gruff sigh* what, sir?" His sweet soft voice replies.
"Gabriel.... don't... DON'T interfere again. Until we are sure, or you are ABSOLUTELY SURE.... next time... you know the possible consiquences of your actions and words. Do not promise things you know you cannot fufill." He says... knowing Gabriel will sense the displeasure in his tone.
"Heh, I can fufill anyone. Besides we haven't been laid in two months... and you're attracted to her! Come on!! She's beautiful!"
"She's a cutter. She's a pagan."
"So is Joe, but you'd do him... speaking of doing guys.. you're also BI."
"WE are bi... even Salem, though he hates to admit it.... but that is besides the point. Joe's religion does not directly conflict ours. Her's does. Be that as it may, it will cause problems as it is, and the cutting... it is not something we all wish to go back to, except maybe... Jackal. But he knows he is not allowed out, and the three of us will keep him under foot and watchful eye. Remember the last time we cut... not fond memories. Besides, the attraction is very sexual, and I feel very little otherwise. We will let Salem deliberate this. I'm not strong enough yet after that Cum-Guzzling Thunder-Cunt-Butt-Slut tore us the pieces after even you came out Gabriel."
"Yeah well.... I knew before you fuckers that it wouldn't work... that why I took off."
"Yes, sir, and you know I am no good with women, or matters of romantic love." Salem imparts.
"Yeah yeah... I know.... that is why Salem will find the facts. He'll make a list. He'll ask around. At least Joe will know it's Salem. If not, let him know. I will need his help."
"Yes, sir. I must be back to praying, and for the last time, sir, go to bed."
"Very well Salem... Goodnight, good luck, and the Grace of God be with us all."
"*Snarl*.... who mentioned the bitch...." A coarse angered voice calls.
"Jackal... this does not concern you, or her for that matter. There is a new one who has not hurt us yet. We are going to make sure that we do not hurt her."
"............ fine. Be it as it may. I will destroy her, and him as well... they hurt us. They deserve it. Just once, let me pick a fight. You know we need this."
"JACKAL! DAMMIT. I said no. We are better than that. Hatred is useless to us, deep down you know that too. Besides, you know we can't hit a woman, even you can't.......... (pause)*sigh*But yes, it would feel good to get the aggression out, but it is not right, and SHE is NOT worth the time or effort, nor is he. It must wait until a more opportune time, and you understand our agreement."
"Yeah yeah yeah... fuck you and your agreement. I'll wait. You're right, the bitch ain't worth MY pain.... and he ain't either.... but someone is. We'll find them soon enough.... I'm leaving for now.. I hope your nightmares kill you asshole."
"If they kill me, we all die. You included."
"... I'm counting on it. Now go to bed asshole."
"...(long pause) Salem, keep praying, Gabriel I'm going to bed, heed my words, or the consiquences will be dire. Allow Salem to sort this out, he may not be a romeo, but he knows what would be for the best. I'm going to sleep, and when I wake up, Salem. Take over. Keep record, I want my messages as usual."
"Yes sir. Will do. Sleep well, God be with us all... for all our sakes."
The man gets up from his chair and heads to a soft bed and dreams of a better tomorrow. This time, he will not jump in. They will take every precaution needed to ensure this. He can rest easy as Salem takes over.
This is the summer of our discontent...................................... that never ended.
~ Jacob Cross
PS - (new pen name. Not associated with Salem, Gabriel, Jackal, or myself. Just a pen name. Nothing more.)