To Weather Any Storm (5/7 + 6/7)

Dec 04, 2012 03:09

Title: To Weather Any Storm (5/7 + 6/7)
Author: ficlishiss
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Warnings: Explicit Language, Pre-Slash (Pairing Sam/Gabriel). Violence. Angst. Wings.
Spoilers: General S3, notably "Mystery Spot". General Season 4. Season 5, up to "Hammer of the Gods"
Disclaimer: I'm not making any money from this. Kripke just makes awesome toys.
Note: Intended as a lead-in to an AU that swerves off during Hammer of the Gods (5x19) and carries through the Apocalypse.
Characters: Sam, Gabriel, God, Dean, Castiel, Ruby, Raphael, Assorted Angels, Others
Genres: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Drama, Spiritual
Summary: He wasn't always a trickster. Once upon a time, he'd been an archangel and, once upon a time, he had a hand in creating a very special soul. The days harbinging Lucifer's return are making it harder for him to stay away from that soul and, to tell the truth, he really doesn't want to anyway.
Theme Music: Ryan Star, "Brand New Day"; The White Stripes, "Seven Nation Army" {Glitch Mob Remix}, Alex Clare, "Too Close"; Cold, "With My Mind"
Word Count: 2,331 (part 5) || 2,213 (part 6) || 4, 544 (combined)

Archived On: Fanfiction.Net & AO3
LiveJournal:  Part 5/7  ||   Part 6/7

Originally, this was only meant to be 5 parts, but I found extra scenes and conversations lurking within the story. I've expanded it to 7 parts, and will hopefully have the piece completed by tomorrow evening.
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