Title: Pelion, with all its woods.
Written for the Sabriel minibang.
whit-merule Artist:
machidieles Genre: Slashy pre-slash.
Pairing (if applicable): Gabriel/Sam, background Castiel/Dean.
Rating: Mature.
Warnings: Slight PTSD. Hints (without details) at intersexual characteristics.
Word Count: 10500.
Spoilers: None (AU).
Summary: Timestamp to my fantasy AU March-Stalkers Mighty (of which I'll be posting the final chapter tonight), but should be readable independently. There is a longer summary at the fic for those who haven’t read the larger verse, with a little more information about the world and what’s happened to these characters previously.
Out in the wide world beyond the known lands, a very long way from home, Castiel, Gabriel, and Sam have come up with a partial solution to the curse that had been placed on Sam. Now, Sam returns to consciousness, human-shaped again after a month on four feet, with Gabriel at his bedside. Gabriel’s fumbling attempts to soothe the pain of transformation tumble them hard and fast towards emotions and vulnerabilities that neither is ready to deal with.
Link to art:
At machidieles' journal. (Work-safe, unless your work objects to boys cuddling, or Sam's bare chest.)
Link to fic:
On LJ,
on Dreamwidth,
or on AO3.