Title: When thou sleepest, let them keep thee; and when thou awakest, talk with them. At
LJ, and
Summary: Sam tries to make the pairing tag read “Sam/Gabriel’s Library”. Castiel and Gabriel get jealous and stage an intervention. Aka, Sam keeps forgetting to go to bed, Castiel looks stern, and there is sleepy arguing and sex.
“Cas,” Sam definitely did not whine. “Timing, man. Coffee and breakfast.”
“Your ordinary breakfast hour is seven thirty in the morning,” Castiel pointed out, too bland not to be smug. “Forgive me for expecting you to be coherent at eleven seventeen. Perhaps you had a late night?”
Pairing: Castiel/Gabriel/Sam. References to background Castiel/Dean and every other permutation of OT4 excluding Wincest (Dean doesn’t appear in this fic).
Rating: NC-17
Length: c. 5100.
Warnings: Slightly pre-Wincest thoughts on Sam’s part.
Disclaimer: Obviously, not mine.