Updates "A Girl With Daddy Issues" and "Welcome to the Stage"

Jul 16, 2011 18:59

Title: www.fanfiction.net/s/7084520/11/A_Girl_With_Daddy_Issues (Chapters 11-15/?)
Author: Madam Mimm/Costume Countess (both me)
Rating: T
Genre and/or Pairing: Eventual Sam/Gabriel, Eventual Dean/Castiel, both preslash-slash
Spoilers: Post season 6, and all spoilers that entails.
Warnings: Some torture, some angst, not very much and not for very long
Word Count: In progress
Summary: The Winchesters don't know how to fix a crazy Cas. Then, the answer finds them. "The answer" in this case, is a norse goddess who just happens to be a certain Archangel's estranged daughter.

Title: www.fanfiction.net/s/7116362/4/Welcome_to_the_Stage (chapters 4-9/?)
Author: Madam Mimm/Costume Countess (both me)
Rating: T
Genre and/or Pairing: Sam/Gabriel, Preslash - slash, some eventual Dean/Cas
Spoilers: A.U, so none.
Warnings: Some angst, some really bad jokes.
Word Count: In progress.
Summary: A.U. in which Gabriel is a stand up comedian, Sam is a reluctant law student, Dean is bad at being a homosexual, and Pamela is fed up with the lot of them.

genre: fluff/waff/schmoop, genre: romance, genre: slash, genre: dreams/nightmares, genre: crack/humor, type: fanfic, rating: pg-13, genre: angst, type: fic, word count: wip, rating: nc-17, genre: au/ar, genre: domestic/food, genre: pre-slash

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