(no subject)

Jun 19, 2011 06:53

Ok so, ch. 3
Absolutely hate it. Craptastic chapter. So be perpared for it to not be as the other two.
And I'm blaming it on the fact that I went swimming Fri. and got sunburned. Ok, enough of me talking. Here ay go.

Title: Family Home and Safety Ch. 3
Author: Queen Amunet
Characters/Parings: Gabriel, Castiel, Sam, Dean
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,488 for this chapter 3,193 for the whole story
Disclaimer: Nothings belongs to me. I wish it did but it doesn't. I'll put them back when I'm done. Promise
Warnings/Spoilers: AU, Some characters may be out of character, as long as you know who Gabriel, Castiel, Balthazar, Alastair, and Azazel are your fine, Dom/sub relations in later chapters, abuse in later chapters and other things as I think of them

ch. 3 over yonder that way ->

type: fanfic, rating: r, word count: wip, genre: kink (bdsm), genre: au/ar

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