Team Free Will's Texts From Last Night

Jan 31, 2011 02:01

Title: Team Free Will's Texts From Last Night
Author: rosinblackrose5
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel
Genre: Humor, Crack!
Wordcount: 475
Kinks: Snow sex, cross dressing, genderswap, drunk sex
Warnings: Genderswap, cussing, drunk sex, cross dressing naked charades
Spoilers: Up to S6 Ep 11
Disclaimer: Don't own a gosh darn thing.
Notes: I shouldn't be allowed near the internet. First drunken Winchester texts now this one? Sheesh. But in all honesty this crack!fic was meant to be. I was reading Texts From Last Night when Eye of the Tiger came on. The cosmos were practically begging me to write this.
Summary: Team Free Will's Texts are immortalized.

Team Free Will's Texts

rating: nc-17, genre: genderswitch, genre: crack/humor

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