Fic: In the Pride [Castiel/Dean, Sam/Gabriel; PG]

Jan 30, 2011 13:46

Title: In the Pride
Pairings/Characters: Castiel/Dean, Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG
Word count: 726
Genre: Humor, gen
Summary: Dean just stares, waiting for the disturbing information that has Sam wound up in tiny, panicky knots. He hasn't even really processed that last sentence. Because he's waiting for the bad part.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: SPN obviously isn’t mine because if it was, Gabe would have Sam on his knees, or his back or, well, he’d just have him. Nightly.
Note: for phate_phoenix from my kink meme HERE. Prompt was "Sam and Dean come out to each other, but the other already knew"

( Dean, I... There's something that I need to tell you. )

type: fanfic, word count: 101-999, genre: gen, genre: crack/humor

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