they say that things just cannot grow / beneath the winter snow / or so I have been told

Feb 24, 2009 21:44

This, ladies and gentlemen, is called the look of luuuuurrrrrve.

Leverage is like the shittier but shinier American cousin of the excellent Hustle. It's good entertainment and actually has, interestingly enough, the corporate world as the main villain, which is something you don't get to see every day. Leverage is still fairly conventional in that it features an ex-insurance salesman/investigator/wuteva who was betrayed by the ~system~ and who considers himself to be the "continuation of the law" (one of my ex-professors - a nice American lady with a degree from... Cambridge, I think? - would have a field day), but it's a nicely slashy and fun series anyway.

And dat's my otp right thar in the screencap :B Alec (on the left) and Eliot (on the right) are a fun, snarky, growly and mismatched pair of jock (or highly skilled, muscle-bound assassin) and geek, so they're right up my alley. Too bad that there's so little fic available for them. Sob and wail.

Anyway, meme time~.

Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

lysachan was a darling and gave me the following five things ♥

1. Linguistics geekery (yay!).
Linguistics is definitely yay! I've always loved languages, so it's no wonder they're pretty much the only thing I'm any good at :'D Research apparently says that you end up skilled in whatever it is you dedicate your time to during the first few years of your puberty, and I spent those years reading an assload of fanfiction in English. Sad but true~. Nowadays I love me sum tongue twisters, puns, double entendres and anything else related to language use, which is the main reason why I'm studying linguistics in university. So much love ♥

2. Ugly Betty.
I loved Ugly Betty right up until a few weeks ago. It's a refreshing television series in that it's actually about an ordinary woman's struggles to make a career for herself in the cut-throat business of magazine publishing. Ugly Betty has a hilarious cast, loltastic jokes and fairly realistic relationships, but it unfortunately fell into the age-old trap of omg this woman's finally making it so omg omg we must now create a crisis in her family to highlight how selfish and horrible she is for daring to choose her work and blowing off a family obligation to attend a party that will probably make her or break her career-wise lolololol. Yeah. Fuck you too. The first two seasons and the first half of the third season are still awesome anyway :'D

3. BL novels.
I-I have a love/hate relationship with these. At times, the shitty writing and rape-a-licious plots (srsly, most of the BL novels I own have rape in some shape or form) get to me, but I just can't quit them .__. It's the warm fuzzies and the awesomely bad porn in general, and the solid-ish writing in the S series that keep pulling me back in (despite the delightful bit of ~domestic violence and rape~ in the second volume).

4. Fascination with Japan.
I had a feeling this would come up :'D What can I say? I'm a weeaboo and actually ashamed of it. Really, if there was one thing I could change about myself, I'd opt for better social skills and less of an infatuation with Japan. As much as I love reading other people's happy and sqeeful fangirling posts, I hate myself for liking this stuff. No matter how fascinating I find the Japanese society's little quirks, it's still a lame thing to like. (Whenever I mention that I'm into Japanese stuff, I can just see the other person's face fall and hear them go all Oh, you're one of them. And I hate being one of them because it means that I'm not normal and that I can't really form meaningful friendships with other people without being judged for my weeabooness. Heck, my BL addiction further prevents me from actually making better friends with one of the girls in my current Japanese class, because she's into the whole boyband aspect of the pop culture and will probably blow me off the moment she realizes what I'm into.) [/wet blanket]

5. Gaming.
I've loved games ever since I was small ♥ My earliest gaming memories are from before I started elementary school when I was obsessed with this silly game cassette thingy for our Super Nintendo that had a bazillion small budget games. My favorite was the strip poker, although I never could understand the rules (all I knew was that if I mashed the right buttons long enough, the lady on the screen would lose her clothes [I never did get her panties off and this frustrated me greatly]) :'D I was pervert back then too ♥ Nowadays I'm more into the adventure game and RPG side of things (my latest favorites include A Vampyre Story and GrimGrimoire).

Wow, I'm sorry for being such a debbie downer today :'D

[lyrics in subject line from Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelsson]

fannish squee, picspam, oh shit it's a weeaboo get in the car, it's a gamer's life for me, teevee etc., rl wah wah

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