On Writing (drabbles and such)

May 05, 2009 12:43

You know, it should be obvious that I have the attention span of a ferret on a sugar high surrounded by shiny things.

Against all odds, I've found myself enjoying writing the little drabbles. They're interesting. Sometimes frustrating. But fun. And, by necessity, they force me to focus on the details which helps me out cause that's my by problem when writing. I tend to skip the description and such. But writing the drabbles has helped me get into the details-writing groove, which I was needing for writing my actual fics.

Yes, they're being worked on. I had completely meant to have the next chapter of Influence out pretty quickly after posting the last one since I left it off on something of a cliffhanger, but...well...this chapter's been giving me problems. It's heavy on exposition and I've just been having a bitch of a time making it work. Writing the drabbles have helped. So thanks for being patient and humoring me with my writing practice.

And I must say, much as I've enjoyed writing drabbles, I'm still not certain I see the appeal in reading them (Though I'm glad some people do). They're fun. But...they're mighty short. I still think of them like popcorn fic. The first thing I think of when someone mentions fanfic is always gonna be longfic.

Still, I'll probably write more drabbles, cause they are interesting to write (I've found drabbles are good formats for humor or "clever" stuff). Plus, I still owe three people drabbles from the last meme. And I have one more I'm thinking of for spuffy_wonder.

Although I'm old-school and really only consider fics of 100 words "drabbles", the spuffy_wonder drabbles can go up to 500 words, so...I'm flexible.

Oh, and the favorite drabble I've written so far? Cardboard Memorial. Cause it's sweet and canonically compliant and really is pretty much all description with no real action to it, yet it has a nice impact at the end. It makes me happy.

But my favorite twist of the given prompt? Hee. Almost Baked. That also made me happy.

And even though I don't quite define them as drabbles, myself, I was mighty pleased with Missing Heaven and Bones, a S6 and S7 Spuffy, respectively. I plan on doing a post-series Spuffy later on in the month for the spuffy_wonder challenge that'll actually be a good bit more cheerful.

But for now, I'm working on the last few drabbles people have requested, and I'm especially working on my actual fics that have been needing some major, major work done to them.

Just, ya know, in case anybody actually cares.


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