Episode Poll: 5.14 Crush

Apr 17, 2012 07:00

It's awkward writing this part when doing scheduled posts. Like now, I'm writing this one week ahead of time. By the time this posts, I'll be finished with the GRE - the big looming THING in my future. I have no clue if I'll be jubilant or dismayed.

But I guess Crush is something to look forward to, cause guys, I love this episode.

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episode poll, s5 pwnz you, poll, btvs

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Comments 63

wilco0087 April 17 2012, 16:33:17 UTC
YAY!!!! It's Tuesday...another poll!!! <3 ( ... )


gabrielleabelle April 17 2012, 18:41:28 UTC
(rambly responses are ♥)

1. He can still wear his trademark leather jacket...but...please...rotate the clothes under it a little more.

Okay, I can agree with this. *latches onto the jacket*

2. *nods to all*

4. Yep yep.

5. So true! I wonder if he knows the circumstances around Darla's death in S1. Because his killing Drusilla for Buffy would be something of a parallel to Angel killing Darla for Buffy. (There are significant differences between the two events, but Spike - with his little moral handicap - would see them as similar)

7. Spike is never gratuitous! ;)


itsnotmymind April 17 2012, 20:43:42 UTC
When I first say the episode where Angel kills Darla, I was bothered because it was like Angel proved to Buffy that he loved her and could be trusted by killing his ex-girlfriend. And while the situation was such that he was definitely right to kill Darla, I don't think turning on one's ex is a good way to prove to your current that you can be trusted.

But it turns out to be foreshadowy because Angel can't be trusted, and he does turn on Buffy and try to kill her--after he loses his soul and reverts to the man Darla loved.

Because we never find out if Spike would have been willing to go through with killing Dru, we don't know if Buffy can trust him or not. It means that his degree of trustworthiness is a mystery.


frelling_tralk April 18 2012, 16:08:52 UTC
It's totally shallow...but it bugs me immensely when a character wears the same clothes again and again.

Hee yes, I always found it funny that they changed the clothes that Buffy and friends wore all the time, yet they seemed to find a look they liked with Spike and Dru and then stick with it. I understood wanting to keep Dru in period clothing of course, but it was still a bit odd to see her wear the same white dress and then the same red dress for so many episodes without changing... And then, even with keeping the leather duster as his signature look, you'd think that Spike could have occasionally mixed up the t-shirts he was wearing at least *g*


hello_spikey April 17 2012, 17:09:40 UTC
I have a strong opinion on the "can be good" argument - 'good' and 'evil' aren't rugby teams that you join or leave - they're abstract concepts which are always relative. Good to whom, evil to whom - there is no true good or evil - only our conception of what is good or evil at a given point in time.

So... given that caveat, what Spike is really saying is "I can conform to the societal norms that Angel conforms to." And that is a definitely "yes" - all it requires is Spike taking the effort to learn those norms and the willpower to conform to them - and despite his inability to stick to a plan if it bores him, Spike strikes me as a dude with insane willpower when he puts his mind to it.


gabrielleabelle April 17 2012, 18:47:02 UTC
Good point.

Our Spike is a tenacious vamp. *nods*


ms_scarletibis April 17 2012, 18:29:42 UTC
1. Chose another answer. Classic Spike was limited to the same pair of faded, beat up jeans and shirts :P That was the wardrobe department's fault, though. I liked his earlier look in s6, with the various button downs (particularly the blue), and the dark denims of s7, and the crisp and new blacks of Ats 5 ( ... )


kikimay April 17 2012, 18:45:14 UTC
Buffy heard from Darla herself in s1 that you can love without a soul, and she accused her of just being jealous. She uses Dru as a shield in s2 to use Spike's love of her against him. She's blatantly lying here, or refusing to accept truth IMO

If I can express my opinion: I don't think that Buffy's lying. She really believes that, without a soul, no one can love, especially since her whole experience with Angel/us. She has a strong concept of love and thinks that after the soul is gone, the ability to love is also gone. And Spike proves she's right with his behaviour in this episode.


ms_scarletibis April 17 2012, 18:54:44 UTC
I can see Angelus reshaping her view, but I don't think Spike makes or breaks the case here. I'll adjust my answer to she's in denial about it due to Angelus. Angelus is an individual; not the set rule for all vampires.


gabrielleabelle April 17 2012, 18:51:43 UTC
1. I do think Spike in a button down is dead yummy.

As long as he still has the jacket, I'm fine. :)

3. Hmmm. She called herself "the actual girlfriend". And they'd definitely been living together in a couple-like fashion. I think it's safe to say they were 'dating', whatever that means for vamps.

4. I agree with Kiki. I think Buffy's drawing from her own experiences and also reacting defensively to something she really doesn't want to hear.

5. I dunno. He didn't have his yelling fest until Buffy refused to give him a crumb. I tend to think if she'd given him something, he'd've been happy to stake Dru. He's kinda impulsive and dramatic (and theatrical) in that way.

6. But yeah, I don't think he would've killed Buffy. She's his object of desire at the moment.


itsnotmymind April 17 2012, 20:36:09 UTC
1. Spike's casual look is hot. That's all I have to say.

2. It really all depends on what you mean by good. It's obvious that Spike can fight for the good guys without a soul, but he isn't capable of expressing remorse for his past evils.

3. Drusilla! To betray her like that after loving her for all those years...

4. Today I say, "no way, of course vampires can love without souls". Tomorrow, I might say something different.

5. I don't know. It's a mystery.

6. He helped protect Buffy from Dru, so I don't think so.

7. I really hate rating things with stars, but let's say "four". It's a fun episode.


gabrielleabelle April 17 2012, 22:30:19 UTC
4. Haha! Yeah, I'm often the same. Funny how that works...



flagless_piracy April 17 2012, 21:50:53 UTC
Not one of my favourites. It makes me uncomfortable, because I don't like to watch humiliation, and I feel like Spike's being totally humiliated (mostly due to his own actions, but still ( ... )


gabrielleabelle April 17 2012, 22:46:33 UTC
Ah, the humiliation doesn't bother me so much. I mainly just shake my head and go, "Oh, Spike."

Such an Edward Cullen thing to wear.


3. Plus, she does it with style.


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