Episode Poll: 5.14 Crush

Apr 17, 2012 07:00

It's awkward writing this part when doing scheduled posts. Like now, I'm writing this one week ahead of time. By the time this posts, I'll be finished with the GRE - the big looming THING in my future. I have no clue if I'll be jubilant or dismayed.

But I guess Crush is something to look forward to, cause guys, I love this episode.

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episode poll, s5 pwnz you, poll, btvs

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beer_good_foamy April 17 2012, 12:32:22 UTC
2. He can do good. Whether that's the same as being good is a matter of definition. Personally, I tend to think that chaining people up and giving them an ultimatum to fall in love or die falls slightly to the left of "saintly." Which isn't to say it's not a great episode, but Spike still has a lot of journey ahead.

4. What, like love can't be a selfish emotion?

7. 4+, but I should probably have put a 5. Brilliant episode, really. "Do you like the Ramones?" Too bad it's Dru's last non-flashback appearance. I miss her. :(

And no question on the poor vamps who run off the second they see Spike and Buffy?


gabrielleabelle April 17 2012, 15:20:41 UTC
2. Most definitely. Whatever it means to "be" or "do" good, Spike isn't doing it at this point.

4. Haha! So true.

And no question on the poor vamps who run off the second they see Spike and Buffy?

There should have been, shouldn't there?


doublemeat April 18 2012, 00:04:30 UTC
#4 - What, people can hurt the ones they love? Say it ain't so Joss!


singedbylife April 20 2012, 07:35:50 UTC
About Dru. Have you watched all the seasons and/or Angel? But I'm with you - I am one of those who really like Dru. Or am fascinated, I guess.


beer_good_foamy April 20 2012, 07:49:41 UTC
Absolutely, and she's great in Angel (that last scene in "The Trial"... wow). But it would have been nice to see what happened to her after "Crush" - we get a lot more backstory on her, but not a word of where she goes from here. Then again, maybe that's for the best.

Dru is a fantastic character. A really messed-up one, but I'm actually sort of glad she was allowed to remain that way. It'd be dull if all the major vampires got souls... That's just not her story.


singedbylife April 20 2012, 09:16:28 UTC
I agree with you 100 %. I would have liked to know much more about Darla, Dru, Angel(us) and Spike and watched them interact a lot more than they did. Still, it leaves us free to imagine and fantasize and that's always a very creative smart move from any writer/producer.


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