Fic: Influence of Demons 14/16

Feb 06, 2012 19:48

Title: Influence of Demons 14/16
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Buffy/Spike
Disclaimer: I could try to claim them...but I would fail...
Warnings: Explicit sex, mention of past non-con, mention of past drug use
Summary: Goes AU after S5's Checkpoint. Five years ago, Buffy and Spike fell into a portal into a dimension ruled by demons. ( Read more... )

btvs, btvs: fanfic

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Comments 17

rahirah February 7 2012, 04:46:58 UTC
Even assuming that the plan goes perfectly (and when do they ever?) Buffy's problems aren't really the kind that Spike can solve, and sooner or later she'll realize that. This should be interesting...


gabrielleabelle February 7 2012, 18:27:39 UTC
I hope it'll be interesting. :)


kikimay February 7 2012, 09:43:31 UTC
I quote the comment above: Spike can't solve Buffy's problems. She's still acting like a survivor - which is comprensible - and I'm curious to know how she can find herself again, it seems almost impossible. She reminds me more cave!Buffy then Buffy season 6.


gabrielleabelle February 7 2012, 18:28:16 UTC


norwie2010 February 7 2012, 09:47:18 UTC
I didn't comment lot, but wow! Crack stuff you write!
(But making us wait another 10 days? Cruel...)


gabrielleabelle February 7 2012, 18:28:45 UTC
I often am. :)


ever_neutral February 7 2012, 09:54:39 UTC
Haha you did not lie, this was torturous. ;)

That's what love is, is it not? Exposing yourself? Allowing yourself to be destroyed by another?"

AHHHHHH this line gives me ALL OF THE FEELINGS.

Other people's love for her was never anchored. It always left.


In other words, yay angst.


gabrielleabelle February 7 2012, 18:29:46 UTC

I'm gonna give you all the angst, dear. ;)


treadingthedark February 7 2012, 15:05:40 UTC
Not gonna lie, the torture was hard to get through. Still love the story!


gabrielleabelle February 7 2012, 18:30:38 UTC
The torture was hard for me to get through too.

Glad you're still enjoying. :)


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