Okay, guys. I've started doing that crosspost thing from Dreamwidth.
To be honest? I got some Christmas money. I have a list of stuff I've wanted to get but am generally too broke to purchase. Upon receiving said Christmas money, I picked a random item off the list. It happened to be a DW account. Since I'm gonna be paying for this, I'm damn well gonna use it.
Don't take this as a political statement on the quality of LJ vs DW. I find all that to be on the silly side.
Essentially? Not much.
The biggest change is that polls have to be done on DW. So at every weekly episode poll on LJ, instead of the poll itself, you're gonna be presented with a link to the DW poll. As far as I know, you'll be able to take the DW poll with your LJ ID (though please correct me in the comments here if I'm mistaken).
Comments are welcome at either the DW side or the LJ side.
It's possible to comment on DW entries with just an LJ account (it'll ask for your "OpenID" account name and password. That's essentially your LJ account). You can also comment anonymously if that's your gig.
Still the same. If you're following me on LJ, I'll show up there. If you've got me on an RSS feed, I'll still show up there. The only change will be that people who've subscribed to me on DW will now get updates.
I might well do so. If I notice a significant drop-off in poll or comment participation, I'll cut the ties and go back to a solo LJ account. My goal is to remain as easily accessible as possible, not just to LJ folks but also to the peeps who keep up with me via other methods. If taking polls on another site is too off-putting, then we'll go back to the old way.
Will you check your DW reading list now?
Maybe probably? Not sure how my reading habits are going to change. I'll make more of an effort now that I've put some money into it.
I'm still tweaking it.
Did you have a good Christmas?
It was lovely, thank you.
This entry was originally posted at
http://gabrielleabelle.dreamwidth.org/347429.html. There are
comments on the DW side. Comment over there or over here. Roger! Over and out!