Sunday rape linkspam

Aug 14, 2011 19:12

A good number of links again, guys. We're still playing catch-up from my hiatus. Disclaimers first!

1. Trigger warning! Links deal with rape; click with care.

2. I don't always agree with everything contained in the links.

3. Sometimes the linked posts/articles will have interesting discussions in the comments. Give them a read-through if you have the chance.


Slate's Dominque Straus-Kahn and Arnold Schwarzenegger: The troubling sexual conduct of politically powerful men. - 05/2011

"Their experiences with Schwarzenegger were double humiliations. First they suffered through the acts themselves: demeaning-often public-groping, unwanted, invasive kisses, crude, belittling comments.

Far worse, they felt forced by circumstance to let Schwarzenegger behave badly-like an overindulged toddler, as one woman put it. A complaint against the bigger-than-life moneymaker could tank their careers. Not a single woman felt anyone would have taken their side or chastised the star. "

ECHIDNE of the snakes' The Caligula Effect? Really? - 05/2011

"In short, the quoted paragraph confuses possibly violent force, societal power and sexual attraction of men with power. It's all baked into one pie, called the Caligula effect. Possible rapes, women sold by their parents or taken by military force, willing mistresses or girlfriends, it's all the same!

Now why would someone write that way? Could it be because the writer views the world through testosterone glasses, meaning that the intended audience consists of men? "

Colorlines' The NY Post Makes DSK’s Alleged Rape Victim an AIDS Predator - 05/2011

"Then Wednesday brought the New York Post’s appalling front page,”HOTEL MAID IN HIV SHOCK: IMF gal in AIDS-help apartment.” In what the race-baiting tabloid trumpeted as an exclusive, the Post reported that the alleged victim lives in a Bronx apartment designated for HIV-positive people and their families. The story, which activists rightfully condemned, said everything short of, “Ooooh, she gave that man AIDS!”

That same day, Strauss-Kahn’s defense team advanced the idea that this hijab-wearing Muslim mother of a 15-year-old daughter wanted to perform oral sex on the 62-year-old French banker known as “The Great Seducer” in the middle of the day during her housekeeping rounds. "

The Nation's What If DSK's Accuser Had Been Undocumented? - 05/2011

"In one recent study of 150 immigrant women working in the food industry conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center, titled “Injustice On Our Plates,” every single one-yes, that is 100 percent-reported some kind of workplace sexual harassment, and for the majority, this involved a sexual assault. According to SPLC’s Senior Staff Attorney Mónica Ramirez, most did not know they had any legal recourse. Only a handful dared to report the abuse. Ramirez says of the way the DSK case has been handled, “This is not representative for a couple of reasons. One, the fact that there was a report made-this is not common. Plenty of women who are victimized never come forward. Also, the response by law enforcement, which acted swiftly, and took it seriously, is not the situation most victims face. I am happy that it happened, but it is not the norm.” "

Foreign Policy in Focus' The IMF: Violating Women since 1945 - 05/2011

"While the media dissects the attempted rape of a young African woman and begins to dig out more information about Strauss-Kahn’s past indiscretions, we couldn’t help but see this situation through the feminist lens of the “personal is political.”

For many in the developing world, the IMF and its draconian policies of structural adjustment have systematically “raped” the earth and the poor and violated the human rights of women. It appears that the personal disregard and disrespect for women demonstrated by the man at the highest levels of leadership within the IMF is quite consistent with the gender bias inherent in the IMF’s institutional policies and practice. "

GOOD's Lessons About Media Emerge from Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Case - Culture - 05/2011

"Once again, this one comes directly from Ben Stein's pen (emphasis ours): "How do we know that this woman's word was good enough to put Mr. Strauss-Kahn straight into a horrific jail?" If anything more offensive than that question has been written about the DSK rape allegations, I have yet to read it.

We know that this woman's word is good enough because, in the eyes of the law, everyone's word is equal. That anyone would suggest her word is somehow unworthy of tarnishing the reputation of a man as rich and famous as DSK is yet another reason rape victims frequently don't report their attacks, especially if their attacker is more socially powerful than them. It's also what emboldens wealthy and beloved people who commit rapes, knowing full well that it's going to be some pathetic nobody's word versus theirs. "

Reuters' DSK saga is not just a French thing - 05/2011

"In truth the DSK alleged-rape saga is as international as the bastion of the ”New Global Elite” he helmed for so long, another powerful testament to the alarming growth in the impunity accorded the typical “Davos Man” with membership in the reigning Plutocracy Without Borders. That media on both sides of the Atlantic persist in covering DSK as a uniquely “French” phenomenon - even as it competes for page views with the “shocking” new revelations of a Mitterand-esque 10-year-old love a certain serial groper managed to conceal from the press for two straight terms as California governator - simply betrays a multilateral cognitive dissonance that underscores this depressing truth. "

IPS News' Hotel Maids Say Sexual Harassment Is Part of the Job - 05/2011

"But for many hotel maids, finding a new job is not an option. Some are undocumented, while others are in the United States on a work visa that ties them to a specific contract. Both situations make these workers vulnerable to long hours, low wages and in some cases, physical or sexual abuse.

"The control that employers often exert over their foreign national employees and the perception of 'ownership' that exists in such relationships creates a sense of fear carried by foreign workers in the United States of losing their employment or being removed," said Jeremy Richards, an attorney specialising in immigration law. "

Tiger Beatdown's Liberty, equality and fraternity for some; miniature French flags for others! - 05/2011

"Again and again, South American media would use these metaphors to refer to the policies imposed by the IMF. Media, and more specifically, tabloid media, whose target demographics have always been the working class and the poor (who also happened to be the most affected by these policies) has been drawing on rape comparisons ever since I can remember. Our resources depleted, our children and youth deprived from basic healthcare and education as a result of policies that benefited the international financial industry (implemented with the complicit, necessary help of corrupt local government officials): every time, we would see headlines that portray our countries as women who have been assaulted, raped, stripped of their dignity.

And really, we should have a feminist Goodwin law to name this phenomenon because economic measures imposed by an institution that responds to international, neo-colonial financial interests do not equate rape or sexual assault. "


ThinkProgress' 16-Year-Old Girl Who Challenged Bachmann To Debate Receiving Threats Of Violence, Rape - 05/2011

"The Cherry Hill Courier Press reports that others “threatened violence, including rape” and that “several commenters threatened to publish the Myers’ home address.” Amy’s school has reportedly also received “threatening mail.” The newspaper had planned to do a video interview with the girl, who is running for a student government position, but “a somewhat panicked-sounding Wayne Myers phoned to cancel, citing the alleged threats.” “They’re targeting me just because I’m challenging Bachmann,” Amy said. A Facebook group called “Ask Rep. Michele Bachmann to Debate Amy Myers” already has over 7,000 supporters. "

Sociological Images' Serena Williams’ Patriarchal Bargain - 05/2011

"A patriarchal bargain is a decision to accept gender rules that disadvantage women in exchange for whatever power one can wrest from the system. It is an individual strategy designed to manipulate the system to one’s best advantage, but one that leaves the system itself intact. [...] Don’t be too quick to judge; nearly 100% of women do this to some degree.

But once women appear to have acquiesced to the idea that their bodies are public property, their bodies are treated as public property. Others, then, feel that they have the right to comment on, evaluate, and even control their bodies. Williams made her body public, the logic goes, therefore anything that happens to it is her fault. This is why the bargain is patriarchal. Williams will be excoriated for her unwillingness to defer to the male gaze if she refuses to trade on her sex appeal. But if she does make this trade, she’ll be the first against the wall if anything bad happens to her. "


Polimicks' Enough with the Hating on Slutwalk - 05/2011

"It is also the fault of the Mainstream Media that the message of the Slutwalks is getting lost and perverted. Women are not marching for the right to be sluts. Women are marching for the right to have their rapes taken seriously by the police. So that when they report a rape they don’t have to endure a million questions about whether they’d been drinking, what were they wearing, what kind of underwear did they have on, are they sure they want to ruin this nice young man’s life over a “misunderstanding?” "

Big Think's Sluts Like Me - 05/2011

"If you try to argue that you're not a slut, you're implicitly buying into the idea that there are sluts out there. If there's some criterion that will set you free, that standard will indict someone else--someone with a higher "number," or shorter skirt, or a later curfew. So we get bogged down in slut/non-slut border skirmishes over a line nobody should have tried to draw in the first place, and we all lose.

The only "refutation" is to laugh in your accuser's face and get on with your life, however you choose to live it. That's what Slut Walk is about. "

Rape culture:

Matt's Misogyny from the other side - *trigger warnings for rape culture, misogyny and transmisogyny* - 05/2011

"I don’t want to be a man, if my presence will terrify women, I don’t want to be that kind of person, I feel like a small child throwing toys out of a pram “I don’t want my privilege”, and I wish that this social baggage didn’t come with having the right body, because like it or not, due to my upbringing, I’m seeing it through different eyes, most probably, to men who don’t have my upbringing, both with regards to having been brought up seen as female, and having been raped myself, by a man who played into this culture intensely. I don’t know what to do with these feelings, except express them."


Colorlines' Rape in Haiti: The Aftershocks Continue - 05/2011

"More than a year after a massive earthquake sent the city crumbling to the ground, the chaos continues to reverberate in refugee camps through a wave of systematic sexual violence. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has reported widespread rape and sexual violence against women. The IOM notes that rising reports of sexual violence may be “linked to a growing trust between survivors and the police and service providers,” but safety protections for women and girls are still desperately lacking. And the primary problem remains that, nearly one year and a half after disaster struck, some 680,000 people still languish in squalid encampments.

Behind each assault is a swelling humanitarian crisis that has bred violence, fear and desperation. Lacking infrastructure and electricity, Haiti’s camps for displaced residents are a seedbed for social instability, and by extension, sexual assault and violence.
Antoine Dodson:

never was a cornflake girl's antoine dodson, rape as a punchline, and why my "humorless" feminist head is exploding today - 08/2010

"The wider scope of this is more than I have time to deal with in this post, but the bottom line is that a man who is upset about his sister being attacked in her bed isn't funny. It wouldn't be funny if he were a white man, crying, with a southern accent, telling the camera he is going to hunt down whoever did this. It wouldn't be funny if it were an Oompa-Loompa for all I care. People are using Dodson as a punchline and by proxy, using rape as a punchline. People are getting off on the fact that they can laugh at this guy who is so "other" from them, and this is just a cheap way of distancing yourself from what he is really saying. It's gross. It's classist, racist, homophobic crap to look at this video and call it funny. It's not funny. It's a man who is visibly upset and talking in the way he knows how about it."

Dr. Goddess' Our Fascination with the Antoine Dodson Situation - 08/2010

"But herein lies the problem of what Cornel West calls "the white, normative gaze" and our seeming need to promote middle class sensibilities; because there is nothing wrong with Antoine. Or his story. Or how he chose to express himself. Kelly and Antoine were very clear...they live in the projects. They are also Southern...they live in Huntsville, Alabama. And they both had a right to be exceptionally angry about Kelly's attempted rape. Yet, even in their rage, they exhibited more intelligence and articulated a sense of well-being than many of the persons who have been elected or otherwise appointed (and some self-appointed) to represent us.

Embarrassed by Antoine?! Please. We should be thankful he's here. He may just force us to redefine our priorities and how we think we understand one another. "

The Crunk Feminist Collective's Antoine Dodson’s Sister: On Invisibility as Violence - 08/2010

"But in this case, where a black woman minding her damn business awoke to an attacker in her second story apartment, normal victim-blaming would not work. So now what do we do, because we obviously can’t take a black woman’s story of violence seriously? Well, that’s simple. We marginalize the attack and focus the story on her brother, whose anger we can exploit because it fits into stereotypes of queer masculinity that provide comic relief. The producers used the footage to lock Antoine in a frame, to capture him in place, in order to tell a story that fits their truths-black women’s confrontations with sexual violence are either not real or unimportant. Framed under the guise of “news” this masquerades as a story about a woman awaking to an intruder in her bed but is really a story about a funny black man, hilarious in his anger. It was never about her. "

Problem Chylde's think twice. - 08/2010

"think twice before you laugh at antoine dodson. i know everything is supposed to take a backseat to short-lived fame and exposure. but how would you feel if your sister was attacked by a rapist and people did nothing about it? officials laughed at you, police took their time coming to investigate, media crews didn’t arrive until you called them, and then your time on the news gets spoofed to entertain others instead of warn them. antoine’s taking his time in the spotlight in stride, and i think he’s doing it for kelly’s sake. i hope all the people laughing and singing “hide your kids, hide your wife” are writing all of the people in kelly’s community and state to do something about catching the rapist. "

links, ot

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