That plane flying overhead? That's ME!

Mar 12, 2011 10:42

I'm all packed up and ready to do the flying thing.

Course, my flight isn't until 4:30, so I have some time to kill, but PREPARATION PREPARATION PREPARATION!

I like to give myself time to remember the stuff I inevitably forgot.

I've decided to take a posting hiatus whilst in England, so no linkspams and no Tuesday episode poll. A break is needed, and I want to have no worries except figuring out how the hell the money works over there.

Fandom, please don't explode in a huge, fascinating, contentious debate/discussion while I'm gone. Then I'll have to be that person that stumbles in late and does a post that just reiterates what a number of people have already said as I try to catch up.

Okay, gonna fly now. Will work on writing and shit. Much love. Mwah!

ot, btvs, gabs' oh-so-exciting life

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