Best laid plans...

Mar 02, 2011 21:34

Well, I was gonna celebrate the completion of my rewatch by putting a couple favorite S7-related fanvids on here. One I can't find, though, and the other doesn't appear to be online anymore (DarlaPr0duction's "Winter Song"). So there goes that brilliant plan.

Okay, can anyone tell me where the hell I found this vid? It's to Florence and the Machine's "Rabbit Heart" and it's about Slayers. It's awesome. I've searched damn near everywhere to trace it back to its creator, and I got nothing. Please, please let me know who did it, and I can then give this entry some substance. (Otherwise I'll have to do some thinky-thoughts to commemorate my S7 rewatch, and I have none)

To commemorate my completion of S7, take a look at this spiffy video by bisclaveret! It doesn't look like I have the option to embed it, but please take the time to click the link to watch it. It's well-worth it!

Oh, and pretend that there's an embedded Spuffy fanvid here to celebrate the S7 Spuffy that I hold so dear. Wait three and a half minutes're done! Move along!

s7 is my spuffy season, btvs, fangirl

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