Not Choosing Dawn

Feb 07, 2011 18:01

So, I snagged on something in Him of all episodes in relation to Dawn's arc in S7.

See, I've never seen the big squee over CWDP. Still don't, to be honest. But something that's always left me a little baffled is when Joyce/The First tells Dawn that "Buffy won't choose [her]". What's that supposed to be about? Well, I eventually kinda assumed that it has something to do with Dawn's decision in Empty Places to oust Buffy (And, no, we're not gonna debate whether Buffy was kicked out or chose to leave in this entry don't bring it up kthxbai). Maybe that was a preemptive strike before Buffy could, you know, fail to choose her.

That's a stretch, though, so it ended up being one of those dangling plot threads that S7 has so many of.

However, I think it makes more sense not in a foreshadow-y way, but as a way for The First to take advantage of Dawn's current vulnerability. Because the previous episode was Him where, under a love spell, Buffy sabotages Dawn to get to RJ. This bothers Dawn. A lot.

DAWN: It is so real! I love him. You knew how I felt-like I finally found something, and you betrayed me.

BUFFY: I betrayed you? You're the one that constructed this elaborate fantasy about you and my lover.

DAWN: (stands) Your lover? You're lover! (Buffy stands)

WILLOW: (mediating) Guys- Guys-

BUFFY: I tried to get you to back away.

DAWN: That's right! You lied to me!

BUFFY: Did you want me to tell you that he's in love with me? That your little crush is hopeless?

DAWN: (crying) It's not a crush! Stop. You're not supposed to do this.

BUFFY: Why? Because he's younger than me? You know, I'm extremely youthful. And peppy.

DAWN: No, because you were the one I trusted. (runs to her room and slams door)

Last three lines are especially relevant.

Now, it may seem silly to attempt to glean significant characterization from such a...weird episode. But it makes more sense - to me - to think that The First was preying on each person's immediate insecurities. And Dawn's, at that time, was about the fact that Buffy hadn't chosen her. The lack of payoff is still wonky for me, but this still works better.

Course, an argument could be made that Buffy's final Dawn-saving moment in Him should negate the earlier betrayal in Dawn's mind, but I don't think the human mind is that rational about stuff like that.

Also, I noticed for the first time in CWDP that Dawn was talking to Kit - the chick from Lessons - on the phone. Nice touch of continuity.

Anyway, thinking out loud, as it were. Thoughts?

s7 is my spuffy season, btvs, fangirl, general pondering

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