Watching Angel: Darla - Reunion

Oct 19, 2008 18:27

Darla -

Okay. I think I find Darla much more interesting than Angel. The teaser between her and Lindsey was fascinating and gripping in a way that I just don't get with Angel's character. I'm showing my bias, aren't I? Oh well.

I've been looking forward to this episode. Cause, you know, it's the flipside of Fool for Love, my favorite Buffy episode. I absolutely adore Dru getting all childlike and excited about wanting to be a "mummy" before William runs into them.

And yes! I get to watch Spike jump off the barrel in slo-mo again!

Good episode. Darla's cool. And Fool for Love was better. :)

The Shroud of Rahmon -

Oh, that was fun. Angel keeps a grip on his inner evilness when it's provoked by an external force. Though I imagine getting a taste for human blood isn't going to be a good thing later on.

The Trial -

Darla continues to intrigue. Desperate to not die, she keeps managing to prolong her life. First, through becoming a vampire. Then with Wolfram and Hart. Then Angel tries to help her. It's seeing the lengths he'll go to give her life that makes her accept her own impending mortality. The lady's been around 400 years after all. However, there seems to be two conflicting views at play. Darla sees being a vampire as a continuation of her life. Angel sees being a vamp as the end of that life. So, to him, her stint as his sire wasn't really her, and this Darla is the "real" second chance. Darla, apparently, comes around to this way of thinking by the end as she realizes that becoming a vampire is just another type of death.

Like I said. Darla? Much more interesting than Angel.

I love her desperately trying to find any lame vamp to get him to sire her just so she can go on existing. And I love that, just when she comes to terms with the fact that she's going to die, Drusilla waltzes in and turns her. Oh, that was nice. That was very, very nice. (Also, keeping Juliet Landau's name off the guest star list until the end? Great way to hold onto the surprise)

Reunion -

Have I mentioned how much I absolutely adore Drusilla? Well, I do.

And, uh-oh, Angel's getting distracted from his uber-heroic mission from the PTB. Blowing off Cordy's vision, letting Darla and Dru have at the W&H guys, and then firing his posse. How absolutely fucking awesome. This episode? Major win.

watching angel

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