Gah. Need more sleep.
Before I go to take a nap, let me throw some stuff at you guys.
goldenusagi continues to be awesome and has done some more
macros for my
feminist Checkpoint rewrite. It's lulz-worthy, so
go look! 2. Also,
gillo's wanting to try out some B/A fics, so I thought I'd post some links to the B/A side of fandom. I'm afraid I don't have any
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Ow! I wasn't looking and your recs hit me in the back of the head!
Yep. Ducks and Chrisleeoctaves are the B/A names I'm most familiar with. Those be good recs.
Oh, I forgot to mention that one of my favorite B/A series is Bittersweet Legacy by Vatrixsta Cruden (which I just found on AO3 so yay for that!). It's a BtVS/AtS crossover and I love fics that bring all the cast together (and does so with quite even-handed characterization, a job well done there). What's more, it has evil vampire!Buffy. Tragedy! Horror! Angst!
That's what you get for not paying attention to me! ;)
Yay! I'm glad the recs are good. I feel a little awkward reccing stuff in another part of fandom because I'm just not that familiar with it. That's why I opted to rec...someone else's recs and some author and ficathon sites. Those seem safe.
I've found it interesting now that I've been completely indiscriminate about what I'll read. Buffy fanfic seems to be dominated by B/A and B/S in about equal measures. Then the stuff that isn't B/A or B/S are the male slash ships. Femslash occupies a tiny little corner, and gen fics are tucked under the rug somewhere.
Oh, and the B/A shippers feel just as persecuted and oppressed as the B/S shippers. So Joss must be doing something right...or wrong. Very wrong.
Um, not to be stuck up or something, but... Why? *scratches head* From my experience on the Internet at large, I was under the impression that shipping B/A was considered to be much more acceptable. (At least, B/A shippers aren't regularly accused of being rapist lovers and dangers to society. Ah, how I love being a proponent of the most controversial pairing in canon.) Although, this could be the old persecution complex rearing it's head ;)
One, is that, of course, they show broke Buffy and Angel up in S3 and allowed them to move on (and have sex) with other people. For some, this is a form of Joss-torture.
More reasonable, however, are the complaints of Bangel-shippers' treatment by fandom where they, apparently, are often dismissed as immature, pre-teen types with poor/boring taste or deluded in rooting for a ship that's stupid/over/lame or whatnot.
I don't know how it compares to reaction in fandom to the Spuffy shippers as, frankly, I'm more apt to notice people being douche-y towards Spuffy.
Yeah, I guessed this. But still, that's all just a matter of taste. (And super word to eowyn's comment below.) As for the other reason, I'm inclined to say 'OH WOE' and maybe break a window or something :)
But, but... *wibbles and hides under the blanket with her non-Buffy het ships of choice*
Also, the Willow section of fandom has a decent amount of Willow het (Willow/Spike and Willow/Angel, mostly).
...I don't think I've managed to stumble across the Cordy/Angel part of fandom, though. I'm gonna have to search for that one.
Us C/Aers hide on locked down boards. We aren't really on LJ and general discussion boards. One too many hits taken during the shipwars. It got nasty. (Granted, not as nasty as I have seen between B/A and B/S. Woah, that takes the cake) But if you want some recs, I'm always happy to provide. Just tell me the kind of stuff you want. Long plotty fics, angsty stuff, PWP.
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