Fic: Director's Cut

Jan 18, 2010 13:53

Title: Director's Cut
Pairing/Characters: Buffy/Spike, Andrew
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 253 words
Summary: What will happen when you combine Andrew, a video camera, two rolls of duct tape, and naked!Spike in a sauna? Read this fic and find out!

Author's note: In a recent discussion on fic summaries, I used the above summary as an ( Read more... )

btvs: fanfic

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Comments 40

xc_runner50 January 18 2010, 20:00:48 UTC
*Cackles Madly*

Oh What I would do to see Buffy's reaction to the video. Better if everyone's there with her. And I mean everyone from newly called slayers to the scoobies.

Andrew always makes a situation funny I swear.


gabrielleabelle January 18 2010, 20:49:06 UTC
For humor, just add Andrew. Works for any situation.

No, really. The scene in The Gift with everybody standing around Buffy's dead body? Just throw Andrew in there and I guarantee it would be hilarious. Somehow.



lavastar January 19 2010, 00:10:12 UTC
"So, can we go now? I mean, she is dead and everything..."

Only thing I can't really seem him funnying up is Tara death scene. Like, explain.


gabrielleabelle January 19 2010, 01:12:12 UTC
"What? Oh! Ohmigod! Warren missed me! He missed! Oh, sweet life!"


(The comment has been removed)

gabrielleabelle January 18 2010, 20:49:34 UTC


angearia January 18 2010, 20:52:30 UTC

Had to duct tape him to the sodding chair after that.

Oh yeah, I imagined Andrew was a little too hands-on of a director at first. :D


gabrielleabelle January 18 2010, 21:28:44 UTC
Oh, Andrew... :)


rahirah January 18 2010, 21:00:44 UTC


gabrielleabelle January 18 2010, 21:29:13 UTC


gillo January 18 2010, 21:09:14 UTC
Oh yes! I can see it all. ::goes to happy place of naked wet Spike::

"I'm still in love you with."

Spike is channelling Yoda or he let Andrew write the script?

I love it!


gabrielleabelle January 18 2010, 21:27:18 UTC
Spike is channelling Yoda or he let Andrew write the script?

Ack! Do you know how many edits I did and I never caught that???

*runs to fix*


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