Bear Your Fandom Allegiance

Oct 11, 2009 14:14

This is very peripherally related to angearia's recent ponderings about het/gen/slash. Okay, not really even related, but discussing it in comments brought me to this side-question of fannish identification and affiliation. Obviously, fandom has its "factions". A lot of it thanks to The Great Shipper Wars that I missed, being a late-comer and all. But fans have a tendency to identify themselves by whatever ship or character they're a fan of. I do.

I was struck once, though, when I was doing the poll on whether Buffy/Angel was subversive to see a Bangel fan elsewhere on LJ wonder why a Spuffy fan was polling about Bangel. It puzzled me. The idea that, as a Spuffy fan, I couldn't show an interest in another aspect of the show, especially one that was a "rival" pairing.

Cause I love Spike and Spuffy. But...hello, check my icons! All Willow. I'm also a fan of Willow. I'm a fan of Giles. I'm a fan of Andrew and Tara and Xander/Anya and Faith and...well...I'm just a BtVS fan. I like entire episodes that have nothing to do with Spike and/or Spuffy!

Course, then I started wondering about the distinction between someone who likes, say, Willow/Tara and a Willow/Tara shipper. What, exactly, pushes a fan into "shipper" territory?

Then I started wondering about how this all connects to fanfic and the poor genfics that dare to not be about romance. of questions without much answers. I'm just kinda curious about a few things. Humor me and take the poll that's under ye ol' cut? :)

Notes: If you choose "No" to #1, you don't need to answer any other questions. Also, you may well be a fan of multiple pairings/characters. That's fine. Just mentally pluralize the questions. :)


fandom: meta, poll, btvs

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