Missing the trees for the forest...

Aug 03, 2009 02:13

I sat down earlier today and started rewatching Buffy. Starting all the way at the beginning ( Read more... )

btvs, fangirl, general pondering

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Comments 36

ofpaint August 3 2009, 09:09:33 UTC
I completely agree. When I'm too involved with a fandom that has a lot of drama and activity, sometimes I like to just sit back and enjoy the source material.


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 19:11:16 UTC
Yep! :)


stormwreath August 3 2009, 11:18:04 UTC
I sat down earlier today and started rewatching Buffy. Starting all the way at the beginning.

You do know it'll take you 104 hours, don't you? You might need more than just a day...

I know what you mean, though - I recently started re-watching S6 fairly casually, and it's the first time I've actually re-watched whole episodes for over a year. It's surprising how many of the little nuances I've forgotten, even though I know the major plot elements (and much of the dialogue) off by heart.


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 19:13:35 UTC
Oh, it's gonna take longer than that. I intend to watch AtS too (doing the alternate BtVS/AtS...you know, like it originally aired). This will likely be interesting as a lot in AtS made me want to throw things at the screen. But maybe I'll like it better the second go round. Maybe I'll be able to tolerate Fred.

Most likely not. But I'll give it a try!

It's surprising how many of the little nuances I've forgotten, even though I know the major plot elements (and much of the dialogue) off by heart.

Yup. I've got the events and much of the dialogue memorized. And for what I don't have committed to memory, I have the shooting scripts on my hard drive for quick reference.

It's kinda dumb that I haven't sat down just to watch for fun for so long.


jamalov29 August 3 2009, 12:03:39 UTC
So watching the show...not worrying about figuring it out or seeing patterns or having to write about it or argue a point or be clever about observations or really think much about it at all This is pretty much where I stand , after five years on lj. :)
I do enjoy thoughts people share on the show and characters, but I also think that.. Spuffy is like poetry in the sense that it doesn't need too much dissecting because the magic may disappear. My pov, only. ;)


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 19:14:52 UTC
Indeed. Though there's plenty more to the show than Spuffy for me. I'm just enjoying the whole thing. :)


jamalov29 August 3 2009, 19:58:21 UTC
I'm also enjoying the whole thing when it is about the show but when it comes to fanfiction I only crave Spuffy.


riccadonna August 3 2009, 12:58:45 UTC
Go, tell it on the mountains!
Thank you for giving words to a simple, fun fact.
Buffy rocks!


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 19:15:27 UTC
It so does.

And S1 is so adorable! :)


louise39 August 3 2009, 14:22:58 UTC
It's because I just like watching the show.

So very true!
I can just randomly pick an episode last night, I watched "Showtime" and I just love the fight with the Turok han, the mind-message and spuffy rescue. No meta, no picking - just fun.


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 19:16:15 UTC
It's been a very long time since I watched anything in S7. Well, a full episode. I've watched the Beneath You church scene several times, but not the entire episode.

*is looking forward to it*


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