It's Link Day...

Jul 26, 2009 11:58

I have nothing interesting to say on this one. Have some links.

Well, have some standard disclaimers first.

1. Links are potentially triggery and deal with rape. Click with care.

2. I don't always agree with everything on the links. I just find them thought-provoking.

3. If you have the free time, read through the comments on the various links for some worthwhile discussions.

Response to cereta's post

meallanmouse's [Think] Step Up

"Be That Guy because it's how things should be. Not because you're some kind of hero, or because you'd deserve kudos for it, or because you're a knight-in-shining-armor - but because in everyday life, that's how things should be. "

On rape culture

Alas' What Causes Rape? Anatomy of a rape culture

"Men who rape women don’t do it because they hate women, but because they don’t give a fuck about women (at least, not the women they rape). They want something, they take it, and they’re by-and-large indifferent to how the person they “take” it from feels."

BBC News 'Police disbelieve women on rape' - Sure wish they had a link to their source on this...

"A poll has found one third of people think a woman is at least partly to blame for being raped if she is flirtatious, and a quarter if she is drunk or wears revealing clothing. "'s Rape spam leads to secret patriarchy handbook

The Curvature's Rape Article Offensive-Off - Relevant Source 1, Relevant Source 2

"Uh, no, doctor, women drinking does not contribute to their vulnerability to rape. Being around a rapist increases women’s vulnerability to rape."

Pandagon's Real consent manifesto - The comments to this one get interesting (and ignore the point of the post to focus on the rape, but still...interesting)

"But what if women let go of the idea that we need to have men approve of us? What do we have to lose? Conservatives say that we will lose their paychecks, but we can make our own. We will lose sex with them, but they will lose it with us."

The Talent Show's I Am Not My Cock

"These sad douchebags state with a straight face the manifesto of all sexist dillweeds who can’t wait to castigate women for being sexual beings: “Men”, apparently meaning them, “can’t control themselves”, and therefore women shouldn’t be surprised by being assaulted. Really? From this point of view, it’s somehow the woman’s responsibility not to get raped, rather than society’s responsibility to punish and prevent rape in the first place."

Shakesville's Rape is for Nice Girls - Relevant Source (link on site is broken. found a working one)

"The thing is, Judge Deni dropped all sex and assault charges at alleged gun-wielding gang-rapist Dominique Gindraw’s preliminary hearing. She decided he should be held on armed robbery for “theft of services.” Not only can prostitutes not be raped, according to Judge Deni, but calling what happened to the 20-year-old victim rape “minimizes true rape cases and demeans women who are really raped.”"

Rape and the failure of the legal system

BBC News Rape review says service 'patchy'

"Mr Yates said between 80% and 90% rapes went unreported, which meant police had a "substantial intelligence gap" as they could not assess the true pattern of offending. "

Thinking Girl's child rapist gets 4 years - Relevant Source (link on actual site is broken. i found a working one)

"4 years is enough time for sexually assaulting two young children? And creating child pornography in the process? 4 years is enough?"

Rape in the military

Huibin Amee Chew's Why The War Is Sexist - Discusses sexism and misogyny in the military during the Iraq War (written in 2005), including instances of rape

"Alarmingly but not so surprisingly, according to the Veterans Association itself, over 80 percent of recent women veterans report experiencing sexual harassment, and 30 percent rape or attempted rape, by other military personnel. Crimes of sexual violence by military personnel are shocking - and institutionally ignored."

Kari Lydersen's Rape Nation

"During the National Summit, women pointed out that far from being an isolated problem, the military nurtures a culture of sexual violence and contempt for women that is linked to the rape and sexual abuse of women in occupied countries or countries where the U.S. has military bases, as well as rapes and assaults of women in U.S. prisons and jails."

Feministe's Abu Ghraib Abuse Allegations Include Rape - Relevant Source

"What is shocking (if not surprising), and only magnifies that rage and shame, is the fact that all of these abuses were seemingly sanctioned by our government. The soldiers who committed other abuses at Abu Ghraib claimed that they were following orders."

On the 2006 Maryland Common Law ruling

Resonant Information's Sexual consent in Maryland - Relevant Source (PDF)

"The reverse, the courts decided, must also be true: if the crime is complete at the moment of penetration, then it doesn't matter if consent is withdrawn subsequently, as you cannot retroactively declare something to have been done without permission."


"The court itself admits that this ruling is predicated on ancient views of women as chattel whose value is lost upon penetration, rather than independent human beings whose suffering matters."

gabs gets feminist, links, ot

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